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2014年12月GMAT阅读机经之银行的customer referral
日期:2014-12-26 09:04



  一个说银行的customer referral program, 举了一个德国银行的例子。说referred customers 比non referred customers 的比较,具体在于referred customer利润更大 在于不用花很多marketing cost在他们身上,然后一系列比较,后来又说了但是这个差距在2年半后会缩小什么的。。。原因我忘了。。。

  V2 ( 760 ——这可真够详细的!)

  P1. 很多商家都采用referral的方式来 acquire new customers, but many are not sure whether this strategy is profitable. some recent studies show that these people can be rest assured that the customer referal method is perfectly profitable.

  P2. 调查显示这些refer过来的新客户又忠诚又能给企业带来更高的客单利润。举个栗子。 A german bank used this strategy to attract new customers. 然后说这个研究表明通过referal 来的新客户平均给银行带来60%的利润增长,然后比普通非refer过来的客户人均带来多20欧元的利润(数字不确定,就是这个意思).

  P3. 但是,有个interesting finding, refered customers' profit margin over the other ordinary customers declines after 2.5 years because the bank would increase marketing expenses on these referred customers as the bank acquires more data about them. 为什么呢?因为match-making:老客户refer新客户的时候会做一个选择,通常会挑那些本来就会对这个公司提供的服务感兴趣的人群来推荐,所以他们被引来之后发现这个公司提供的服务太xx好了,就愿意在开始的阶段多花钱,对价格也不那么敏感。但是两年半以后他们对公司的服务了解了适应了,公司就要想办法继续吸引他们,方法就是前面说的,通过掌握的大数据来挖掘他们的喜好,然后针对性的做些marketing, and then the costs per customer for these referred clients would increase as a result.

  P4. 此外,还发现26-35岁的年轻refered customers bring more profits on a per customer basis while the profit margin would be negative for the referred customers above 55 years old. Because there is little credit history of the young customers, the bank cannot provide targeted marketing to them. so the cost on this segment of the population is lower as a result. This phenomenon can also be explained by match-making. (后面有个题,问读完这个文章,你认为这个银行应该如何提高利润?我选的是尽量多的服务那些55岁以下的客户)。
