日期:2015-06-25 09:24



因此,考生在写作作前首先要理清思路。文章可分为两个部分:第一部分描述经历,第二部分描写感受。内容要点主要有: (1) 经历的事件及其过程,包括时间、地点、人物等; (2) 经历的结果; (3) “我”的感受; (4) 启示。
本文中采用的人称应该是以第一人称为主:第一人称 (第一部分用第一人称复数,第二部分用第一人称单数) 。
这篇文章中可能运用到的核心词汇和短语包括:have a match with(与谁进行比赛);do well in (在某方面做的好),score(得分),go up(上升), a close match(一场势均力敌的比赛),draw a lesson (吸取教训),friendship comes first(友谊第一)等。

Last Thursday afternoon, the basketball team of our class had a match with the one of class 4. All the players did very well in the match (动词句型使用得当) and the score of each team went up alternately (高级词汇,使用准确). At last (行文衔接紧密) , the result was: the winner was class 4, and we were the loser.
Although we lost the match, we were also very happy (高级句式,主从复合句) . Since we all know the famous saying "Friendship is the first, Match is the second." (高级句式,主从复合句;习惯用语使用恰当) After that match, we became good friends.
In my mind, life is full of failures. So long as we try our best, the result is not so important (高级句式,主从复合句) . In addition (衔接词使用恰当) , failure is the mother of success. We need to know the reason for our failure, and try hard to succeed.

Last week, a football match was held between Class One and Class Two. The players from both sides are all excellent football players (动词时态错误,应用一般过去时) , so the match went (词汇使用错误,此处用went on,意为“进行”) fiercely at first. At last the result was: the winner was Class Two, and we were the loser.
We didn't win the match, but we didn't lose the heart (固定短语错误,表示“丧气”应用 lose heart) . On one hand, we think that friendship comes first, and match comes second. On the other hand, since we all tried our best, we had no regret. In our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, there's no need to feel (非谓语动词错误,there is no need doing sth是固定句型) regret for these failures. What's more, we should analyze the reasons of (介词错误,应用for) failure to get success for the next time.
In a word, success is important, so is failure, because it's the mother of success.

