俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第14期:2-4
日期:2015-04-09 10:16


Word List 2-4

1.profound adj.深厚的,深刻的,深奥的:知识渊博的


【例】The policy had a profound effect on the nation’s agriculture.

2.acute adj.尖锐的,锐角的;激烈的,严重的;敏锐的;(疾病)急性的,(疼痛)剧烈的

【例】AcrUe hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people do.
//In Beijing.Tianjin and 100 orher large cities the crisis is particularly acute.
【用】作“尖锐,锐利”讲时,acute只用于学术语中,如an acute angle。

3.proportion n.比例,比率;相称,平衡;份,部分

【例】in proportion to His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income.
与他的收入扣j匕,他在度假和奢侈品上的开支偏高。( 2001)
【用】in proportion的意思是“相称,成比例”,out of proportion是“不相称,不成比例”的意思。
【派】proportional( adj.成比例的,相称的)

4.perspective n.观点,看法;前景,展望;正确判断,洞察力;透视画法,透视图

【例】A change in attitude will enable us to look at the matter from a positive perspective.
//Like my father. I'II keep the name,but my airport experience has given me a whole new perspective on what diversity and tolerance are supposed tomean.

5.particular n.一项,一条:细节 adj.特别的,特殊的;挑剔的;详细的

【例】be particular about My cousin likes eating very much, but he isn't very particuLar about the food he eats.
我的表弟非常喜欢吃,但是他对食物并不特别挑剔。( 1999)
【用】词组be paflicular about表示“对…挑剔”.
【派】particularly( adv.特别,尤其)
【辨】 particular, special, peculiar, specific
四个词都有“特殊的,特别的”之意。particular指某物与众不同,常与in连用组成in particular,表示“特别”的意思;special指某人或某物与其他人、物有区别而具备特殊的性质或特征,如:special dishes; peculiar强调罕见与异类,有“奇怪的”之意,常与to连用;specific与general相对,多作“具体的”讲,也有“独特的”的意思,如:specific quality。

6.parade n.行列,游行;阅兵让列队行进;游行

【例】Children in colorful costumes paraded up and down the streets.

7.buoy n.浮标,浮筒 vt.使浮着;鼓励,支持

【例】release buoy失事浮标
【用】buoy作“支持,振作,鼓励”讲时要接介词up,组成短语buoy up。

8.fume n.[pl.](难闻、有害、浓烈的)气体,烟,汽;发怒,烦恼 v.熏,冒(烟、汽);发怒,怒气冲冲地说

【例】The aunosphere was being poisoned. every green thing blighted,and every stream fouled with chemical fumes and waste.

9.liboral adj.宽容大度的;慷慨的,大方的;自由的,随便的;开朗的

【例】The millionaire made a libenrL donation to the charity.

10.handle n.柄,把手 v.触,摸,拿;运用,操纵,驾驭;处理,管理,对待:经营,买卖

【例】The team can handLe whatever needs to be handled.
//This type of machine handles well.
【用】handle的固定搭配是get a handle on或have a handle on,表示“理解,明白”。
两个词都有“操纵,控制”的意思。handle运用的面比较广,暗指操纵的人具有驾驭能力;manipulate表示用技巧来操纵,有时还有使用不光明的手段这层贬义,如:manipulate the stock market。
