日期:2019-07-18 15:27





Nike is dropping their Betsy Ross inspired shoe that they created for the Fourth of July, logical, right? After endorser and former NFL player Colin Kaepernick picked up the phone and complained that the original Ross flag was offensive because of its connections with the era of slavery in the United States. The company wants retailers to send the shoes back saying in a statement, quote, "Nike made a decision to halt distribution of the Air Max 1 Quick Strike Fourth of July based on concerns that it would unintentionally offend and detract from the nation's patriotic holiday." Now a special edition, Tuesday edition of Wednesdays with Watters, we can't wait so we had him in on Tuesday. Hello, Jesse. Hi, Martha. This is just -- it really amazes me how much power Colin Kaepernick has. Too much power if you ask me. I mean, Nike is now anti-American company. They -- the only reason they make money, though, is because of America, because of equality and justice and the American way. And maybe they think there can be profitable by being like this. But I just think it's dangerous. Because Colin Kaepernick comes in, makes a phone call, is offended, the majority of the country doesn't believe that. Yes, slavery was a stain. Yes, America was flawed. I have tons of flaws. You are flawless, Martha. But most people have flaws. No. Far from it.




And we acknowledge our flaws and we grow from them and then we celebrate who we are in our entirety. He wants to divide us. He wants to pick that scab. Focus on the flaw. And not unite the country and it is literally the flag, the fabric of this nation. And he just wants to tear it apart. And poor Betsy, too. What about all the people who are -- Poor Betsy, right. And what about all those people who are unintentionally offended by the fact that they pulled the sneaker, you know, who find that offensive. Who find, you know, who wanted to get a pair these sneakers. It's just such a silly thing. Yes. But I think, you know, when they -- when he came out with that ad where he is like standing in the middle of the city and he is professing his beliefs, sales went up. Right. So, they are making a purely, you know, bottom line calculation here that hey, you know what? When we do this, it seems to work for us. Right. And they have the right to do that as a company. But now they are multinational conglomerate. They are less American. There is a line though between social justice and anti-Americanism. And I think they are crossing that line. A lot of people are really upset about this. This is our founding. This is when we threw off the yoke of the British. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was supposed to, you know, they were -- they had given them a tax incentive to build a new plant or business there. And he said, you know what? No thanks. Yes. No thanks.



耐克停止发售其源于贝特西·罗斯灵感的运动鞋,该运动鞋是为纪念7月4日而设计的,这十分合理,对吗?此前,代言人、前NFL运动员科林·卡佩尼克打电话投诉贝特西·罗斯国旗带有冒犯意义,因为这与美国奴隶制时代有关R!QM_FhZo2FDXP。该公司希望零售商寄回鞋子,并在声明中表示:“耐克决定停止销售7月4日的Air Max 1 Quick Strike,考虑到这无意中会造成冒犯,而且偏离了国庆日的主题RGWiuG]7]]x。”现在是周二的沃特斯周三特别版,我们等不到周三了,所以周二就邀请他来了_)iigthj5A(a。你好,杰西[&LnE-@bVUs+=。你好,玛莎Byoi%E0Yo_)。这是--科林·卡佩尼克拥有的权利令我惊叹er7fw9HD5mOH。如果你问我的话,我会说他的权利实在是太大了.6jCu&BT+waQ_uU~。我是说,耐克现在是一个反美的公司I.hvkvG|r+i~u~U。他们--他们还能够赚钱的唯一原因,就是因为美国,就是因为平等、正义和美国式的路线TvVUL#%uDE&.v5&Lcz!d。或许他们认为,这样做就能赚钱Qd7#=69,mEm1,。但我觉得这太危险了(DH9pjDfO#b-5(m-SK。因为科林·卡佩尼克打了一个电话,说他被冒犯了,绝大多数美国人不会相信cl^6hSI1CY=Pd]。的确,奴隶制是个污点n;~#2aSgEPHl2B+0IB。的确,美国是有瑕疵的XP-)7akT~X[^I-=qR^#。我有一大堆瑕疵4|Q8t|X,5,。玛莎,你很完美NgXedGcQ=cAR。但大多数人都有瑕疵&TZ8Xu-#VS&sGb#|u7。不;vkF1S&N+hZ[YK;mXr。我还差得很远;&B2lBJzu|-AA&#)g+mh

