日期:2023-08-18 15:30



Amoah’s younger brother, Christopher, who had travelled alongside him to the funeral, returned home to London without him.
“We were trying to sort it out until the day of the flight,” Christopher told me.
“I had to get on the flight. I thought he would be able to sort it out, but he couldn’t. It was a nightmare.”
Because Christopher had been born in the UK, he had never had problems with his documentation.
He’d made a number of previous trips to Ghana, and never encountered any difficulties.
At first, Amoah was merely frustrated by what he assumed was just a stupid bureaucratic hiccup.
But after a few days, it became increasingly clear that officials at the British high commission would not budge.
Within a few weeks his money had run out and he found himself homeless for the first time in his life, sleeping rough in slums on the outskirts of an unfamiliar city.
His siblings in Ghana helped for a bit, but they had their own lives, and Amoah felt they were suspicious of this unknown person who had turned up at their father’s funeral.
“Everything was upside down,” said Amoah.
It was hard to get people to understand the problems he was having with British officials when he was struggling to understand them himself.
He felt embarrassed having to ask his siblings for help, and there were some difficult misunderstandings.
“I was offending people left, right and centre, and getting offended left, right and centre. I grew up in south London; I have a south London attitude, I’m a bit loose with my tongue and language. They had a real problem with that. I was totally marooned,” he told me.
“我冒犯了左翼、右翼和中间派的人,也被他们这些人冒犯了%7;UyV_epx8dJ%。我在伦敦南部长大; 我有一种南伦敦人的态度,我的嘴有点不严实&2aA4q=~VR。他们对此有很大的意见@j_EPXKMx,npdMWk~m。我完全孤立无援,”他告诉我@07_J0jF)=
“I was in a country I didn’t know, among people that didn’t like me, in a culture I didn’t understand, with no sense of being able to return back home on the horizon.”
In south London, Amoah had lived a comfortable, secure life, usually facing nothing more taxing than heavy traffic during his commute to work at an upholsterers in Battersea.
The fifth-floor flat he shared with his frail mother, who he cared for, overlooked a park where he enjoyed watching swans on the lake.
He had a girlfriend who he saw every day.
He had a good relationship with his children, who were aged between seven and 25 when went to Ghana.
In Accra, Amoah was quickly reduced to scavenging and begging.
He was violently attacked on several occasions, and often afraid for his life.
After two months, he returned in desperation to the high commission, hoping they might relent.
He spoke to a senior diplomat, who was a distant friend of one of Amoah’s Ghanaian sisters.
(I asked to speak to this diplomat but was refused.)
She was aware of the unfairness of the situation, but felt unable to assist.
He remembers she told him: “There’s no chance that you’re going to be allowed back into the UK.”
他记得她说的话: “你不可能再被允许回到英国i#6+CK[k.6OaY。”
