第84期 Christian旅途偶遇美女?Christian's travel(3)
日期:2020-04-19 11:44


Q&A Round 1

Social media account 社交帐号

Dramatic 戏剧性的

Experience the culture 体验当地文化

Expire 过期

Make deep connections with local people 与当地人建立深厚关系

Near/be close by 靠近

Many people choose to travel from place to place, but Christian usually stays in one location for a long time and then makes deep connections with friends. 大多数人会去很多地方,而Christian通常会在一个地方待很久,和当地的朋友产生深厚的联系

From place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方

Travel from place to place 有短暂停留、经常换地方的意思

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Q&A Round 2

How do you make your decision to move to the country you currently live in?

Christian can stay there for 3 months for free because of their policy.

Do sth. for free 免费做某事

(谈话: Christian and Julie;文本: Emma;排版: Elena;图源:网络)

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