4第68期 茶和咖啡在Adam眼中竟然如此不同?!Coffee(4)
日期:2020-02-25 08:24


Level: upper-intermediate

Q&A Round 4

Some differences between tea shops and coffee shops.

Tea shops 茶馆


Traditional Chinese decoration 传统中式装修

扩展一个最近更流行的,Neo Chinese decoration 新中式装修

Solid wood 实木

Chinese elements 中国元素

Chinese Knots 中国结
In particular 尤其

I wanna go to sleep early on then of course, I will have tea because if I have tea, I usually can not fall asleep.


My parents are big tea drinkers. 很实用的表达喜欢的说法哦。

Caffein 咖啡因

It regulates your blood sugar. 它可以调节您的血糖。


If I want energy, I wll have coffee; if I want to relax, I will have tea.

You will rarely see people go to a traditional tea shop to have a formal business meeting. 你很少见人到一个非常传统的茶馆去开正式的商务会议。
Rarely 极少地,很少地

Courtyard 院子,庭院
Play mahjong 打麻将

Coffee is like, oh, you're gonna get your work done. 咖啡让你感觉就是,哦,赶快把工作做完。(特别地道的口语用法,大家可以留意一下)

Enjoy the atmosphere of doing sth. 享受某种氛围,比如: Enjoy the atmosphere of playing mahjong

Zen 禅

In China, Tea is more associated with Zen culture. 茶更多的是和禅文化相联系的。

Coffee is more for sociality. 咖啡更多的是与社交相关。

Coffee and tea have become a regular part of our life.
You are expected to know about them irrespective of who you are. 不管你是谁,人们都期望你会对他们有所了解。

Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?

