第17期 一个更加绿色的地球,你我做主(2)
日期:2019-05-01 16:33


Q&A Round 3 continued
How can we do our part without much hassle? 怎样能在日常生活中不用很麻烦就可以做环保呢?

Mini app 应用里的小应用、功能或程序比如支付宝的蚂蚁森林、花呗、余额宝等等

The best way for me to gain points is to do some shopping, pay some bills through Alipay and there are rewards which I can then use to feed my tree.

Do some shopping/do the shopping 买日常用品和蔬菜水果等
Pay the bills/pay some bills 支付一些账单

We can also see the satellite images of the trees growing. 蚂蚁森林会为积分达标的人种一棵真树而且分享卫星照片给种树人。

Satellite image 卫星照片/影像

It’s a really well-designed mini app.

Well-designed 设计得很好的


Q&A Round 4
You probably want to know something about the tree coverage in other countries like the U.K., Alex as a person born and bred in Birmingham, has something to share.


London is the greenest city in Europe. It has 8 million trees and it's actually one of the world's largest urban forests.
Urban forest 城市森林


The first thing you notice is the size of the trees, because they are just so tall.

When you take a photo next to them, you really look like a dwarf.

Dwarf 矮人,侏儒

Phoenix tree 梧桐树, Alex的最爱哈哈

I think it's great because as we all know, Nanjing is a very hot city in the summer but the trees provide a lot of shade so... and it helps us keep cool.

Shade 阴凉
Help sb. keep cool 让人能感觉凉快些
Have you done any tree planting, or maybe you remember at primary school, or middle school, high school, you did some tree planting, please let us know what you did. 分享一下你的植树经历。(记忆力考验题哈哈)。

  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的
  • dwarfn. 矮子,侏儒 vt. 使矮小 vi. 变小
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • shaden. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡 vt. 遮蔽,