日期:2018-11-22 18:01





The High Cost of Success
Even if Musk fails to turn Tesla into a mass-market carmaker, its profits in the luxury market and its many innovations may serve as the catalysts for an ecosystem of new transportation­companies and initiatives that will go on to thrive and flesh out his vision for a worldwide conversion to electric vehicles.
“Thanks partly to Elon, the supply chain and consumer acceptance are maturing,” says Evelozcity’s Kindler. “Because of that, it’s a safe bet that electric cars are coming to the masses.”
“部分得益于伊隆·马斯克,供应链和消费者接受度趋于成熟,” Evelozcity公司的金德勒说道JcpJ97|XEfJ5。“正因如此,电动汽车向大众普及是一个安全赌法en|#E]Wn8n4n[。”
The rub, of course, is that the better things look for Tesla, or companies that pattern themselves after Tesla, the worse they look for the future of American manufacturing jobs. Musk has made clear he’s aiming to do away with workers. He’s publicly referred to his goal of turning Tesla’s factories into “a machine that builds machines,” adding that he’s going to keep piling on the automation until the assembly line looks like “an alien dreadnought.” He promised last year to speed up his production rate by a factor of 20—not by hiring but by doubling the number of robots in his factories to nearly 1,000. According to analysts, Tesla, on average, has already invested twice as much in robots per car produced than other car manufacturers.
And the robots he’s buying are far more sophisticated than those you typically find in auto factories, which do the same simple action over and over again. Tesla’s bots can be programmed to perform a number of different, more complex tasks, even working together in groups as large as 15 on a single car. It is the first automaker ever to let robots handle final assembly of the cars, a complex set of tasks that is the last bastion of human labor in auto factories. Analysts have pointed out that at the assembly line speeds that Musk has said he’s shooting for, the presence of even a single human would be a hindrance, if not an outright hazard.
So far, the effort to hyper-roboticize Tesla’s factories has been bumpy. Automation glitches are largely behind some of the big delays in Model 3 production. “Humans are underrated,” Musk said after failing to hit targets earlier this year. Which is not to say that there is any chance he will give up on his longer-range goal of eliminating workers. It’s no mystery why: Volkswagen has calculated that its robots work for less than $6 an hour, with all costs figured in, compared with $47 an hour in total costs for a human worker.
迄今为止,对特斯拉工厂进行超级机器人化的努力并不顺利i),Vn.y|3@4ZoeN。在Model 3的生产过程中,自动化故障在很大程度上是延迟的原因W-+W&k^)-sqIM05^。“人类被低估了,”在今年早期未能完成目标后马斯克如是说道3Gm3-i5Wm%2BxQerJ[e%。但这并不是说他有可能放弃长期的裁员目标4Z6unSDsDCv.Yy+;C。原因并不神秘:大众汽车计算出,其机器人每小时的工作成本不到6美元,所有成本都计入在内,人类工人每小时的总成本为47美元jnSVVo)3(~hTClyIP




If Musk succeeds in getting rid of humans in the car factory, he’ll likely be able to leverage that achievement, doing the same for the production of the semitrucks he’s starting to build, as well as for his already heavily automated battery, solar panel and space ventures (plus any future industry-killer companies that he has yet to dream up). And Tesla’s self-driving cars could mean the loss of another layer of employment opportunities: human drivers, a job currently held by roughly 3 percent of the American working population, including 3.5 million truck drivers.







1.mass-market 大众市场的
mass-market paperbacks.
2.flesh out 充实(故事或计划等)
Permission for a warehouse development has already been granted and the developers are merely fleshing out the details.
货仓开发的许可证已获批准,开发商只是在充实细节ZdVq8BDB)=V[Vmb;D chain 供应链
companies looking for a shortened supply chain and increased efficiency.
寻找更短供应链及更高效率的公司C1R6_6FuimSH_ away with 消除,终结
The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
5.speed up 加速
Job losses are speeding up.

  • ecosystemn. 生态系统
  • conversionn. 转变,改变信仰,换位
  • permissionn. 同意,许可,允许
  • layern. 层 vi. 分层 vt. 将某物堆积成层 n
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过
  • factorn. 因素,因子 vt. 把 ... 因素包括进去 vi
  • efficiencyn. 效率,功率
  • mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • sophisticatedadj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的