日期:2017-11-30 07:28



You probably already know this.
The third republican debate aired last night on CNBC.
It featured Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, Ben Carson and the other seven candidates who can't take a hint.
参与者有杰布·布什 唐纳德·特朗普 本·卡森和其他七位没什么印象的候选人
Last night's debate broke CNBC's record for most viewers,
narrowly edging out that time that two people accidentally changed the channel to CNBC at the same time.
I think CNBC's motto is we're not even the weather channel.
Isn't it amazing? Here is the thing.
你们不觉得惊讶吗 是这样的
I'm new here, I recently moved here but it seems to me like the G.O.P. is holding so many debates,
我是新来的 我发现共和党举办了好多次辩论
they're just running out of TV networks to host them.




Do you know what I mean? What's next?
你们知道我什么意思吗 接下来怎么办
They're going to hold it on QVC?
We have 15 beautiful republicans here, look at the detail on these republicans.
我们这里有15位美丽的候选人 看看这些细节
You can get one for your house, or put one in the White House.
你可以买一位放在家里 或者放在白宫里
It's up to you.
They could also try it on Telemundo, and then you know Trump would not attend.
还可以在西班牙语电视台播 这样特朗普就不会参加了
A lot of people think that the questions were silly and irrelevant last night.
很多人觉得昨天晚上的问题我呢的太蠢了 而且跟竞选没有关联
Like when they asked the candidates about fantasy football.
First of all. I'm 7-0 in my fantasy football league.
首先 我在虚拟足球的成绩是7比0
Gronkowski is still going strong.
Wait a second. We have people out of work.
等等 我们的国民没有工作
We have ISIS and Al Qaeda attacking us and we're talking about fantasy football?
ISIS和基地组织虎视眈眈 你们却在聊虚拟足球
Wow! A touchy subject.
哇 这个话题很敏感啊
Looks like someone might have lost a little bit of money in the fantasy football league.
Chris Christy said we should stop talking about fantasy football
and start talking about ISIS wanting to kill us,
which is good advice for the debate and terrible advice for a cocktail party.
You're really bumming everybody out.
Come on, man.
Another memorable moment was when Donald Trump bragged about the fact
另一个值得明基的时刻是 特朗普吹牛说他和主办方协商过
that he negotiated for a much shorter debate.
Everybody said it was going to be three hours. Including them.
每个人都说辩论会持续三个小时 包括他们在内
In about two minutes I really renegotiated it down to two hours
两分钟之前 我跟他们说了要把时间缩短到两个小时
so we can get the hell out of here. Not bad.
让大家都能早点儿早点儿走 不错嘛
That's how you know things are bad when even Donald Trump wants to see less of Donald Trump.
当特朗普自己都觉得特朗普出现的频率太高的时候 我们就知道大事不妙了
What is next?
Donald Trump is going to claim he negotiated the all-day breakfast at McDonald's,
特朗普还要说他要跟麦当劳交涉 让他们全天供应早餐
which if he did, he has got my vote! He does.
如果他这么做了 我就把票投给他
The strangest moment of the night came when Jeb Bush was asked about spending cuts.
昨晚最奇怪的时刻 是杰布·布什被问到关于削减开支的问题的时候
You find a democrat that will cut taxes $10.
如果你找到一个能把税收减少10 刀的民主党人
I'll give him a warm kiss.
Thank you, governor.
谢谢 州长先生
A warm kiss.
That is not a thing. You know that, a warm kiss?
这不是一个事物啊 一个温暖的吻
Jeb bush talks like he learned English from Rosetta stone.
He uses adjectives that people don't actually use.
If you cut spending, I will be very big happy,
如果你能削减开支 我会非常大的开心
and I will give to you warm kiss on the plump lips.
Now Jeb said that he would give democrats a warm kiss if they cut spending by $10.
杰布说如果民主党有人能把开支减少10刀 他就给他们一个温暖的吻
And not many people know this, but if they cut spending by $20,
但你们不知道的是 如果有人能把开支减少20刀
he'll give them the whole warm bush.
Thank you. Thank you. One of my own. One of my own. Thank you so much.
谢谢 以上纯属虚构 谢谢
