英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第83期:挑战生命极限(2)
日期:2015-05-08 08:11



大明: 何亚君,今天我们以5小时16分58秒的净时间完成了你的首个全程马拉松,感觉怎么样?
He Yajun, we’ve just completed your first full marathon in 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 58 seconds. How does it feel?
何亚君:非常兴奋, 在你们的帮助下,我终于完成了我的马拉松之梦,这让我看到了光明!感谢大家对我们这些盲人的帮助。
I’m thrilled! With your help, I finally had my dream of running a marathon come true. I can see the light! Thank you everyone so much for helping us blind people out.
大明:别客气,经过5个月的训练,我们终于圆满完成了任务。其实,我把帮助你完成全程马拉松也作为我2015年的一个愿望,我还把这个愿望发给了英语PK台节目组, 这个愿望终于实现啦, 此刻我也很开心。
You’re welcome. After 5 months of training, we finally did it. To be honest, I made helping you finish a whole marathon one of my new year’s resolutions for 2015, I even told the English learning program GFG, that it was one of my resolutions. I finally managed to make it happen. I’m so happy right now.
Thanks, Daming. And I should congratulate you too.
大明:谢谢,帮助你其实也是在帮我自己啊, 和你一起训练,让我更加深刻地感受到了信念和勇气的巨大能量,你现在身体感觉怎么样?
Thanks. By helping you, I helped myself. By training with you, I felt a deeper sense of conviction and courage. How’s your body feel right now?
As a blind man, I just want to challenge myself. The thing that I’m most proud of is the fact that I never think of myself as a blind man. I think our attitude in life is extremely important. I need to keep walking for a little bit because my back’s killing me.
Take it easy! Try to take some deep breaths.
I’m okay now. To be honest, it’s ashamed that we didn’t run a little faster today. Marathons are really appealing and you can really get addicted to them. Maybe I’ll do better next year.
Yeah, but we still finished before the last gate closed. You were interviewed a lot by the media today. You’re like a celebrity. But actually, you are a celebrity today!
何亚君:谢谢。 对了,今天的体力好主要是昨晚的“意大利面之夜”提供了充足的能量啊!否则真不知道能不能撑下来。
Thanks. Anyways, our body was in good shape today because of the “pasta night” last night which gave us a lot of energy. Otherwise I don’t know if I would’ve been able to handle it.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. What’s your next plan to challenge yourself?
I wanna see the sea, keep competing in Beijing marathons, and even run a marathon in the marathon birthplace: Greece.
大明:我真的很佩服你,你真是个勇敢的人。向着你的梦想出发吧, 兄弟。加油!
I really admire you. You are such a brave man. Go chase your dream, bro. You can do it!
Thank you all my dear friends. Without your love and patience, there’s no way I would’ve been able to make my dream come true! You guys are the best!

New words for dialogue:
Full marathon = 全马
I had my dream come true=(我) 圆梦了
Thrilled = to be really excited 非常兴奋的
My back’s killing me = my back hurts 我的背很不舒服
Take deep breath= 深呼吸
Be ashamed= 遗憾的
Go chase your dream=去追逐你的梦想吧!
