日期:2009-03-15 12:38


◆虽然他很老了, 但还很有生气。

误:Although he is old, he is very alive.

正:Although he is old, he is (very) much alive.

析:alive(活跃的,有生气的)通常不用 very 修饰, 但可用 much 或 very much 修饰。


误:He is greatest alive scientist.

正:He is greatest scientist alive.

正:He is greatest living scientist.

析:alive 在句中通常用作表语,有时也用作后置定语、状语或补 语等,但通常不能放在名词前作定语:He was buried alive. (他被活埋了)。I am afraid he can’t come back alive.(恐 怕他不能活着回来) (from www.yywords.com)。


误:The woods are alive for birds.

正:The woods are alive with birds.

析:be alive with 意为“充满”、“到处是”。如:The kitchen was alive with ants.(厨房到处是蚂蚁)。
