梅林传奇第1季第12集:To Kill the King 点石成金(21)
日期:2017-07-25 14:17


Your father was the greatest man I've ever known. He stood for everything this kingdom represents. Truth, justice, valour.
A hundred times he saved my life on the battlefield. His courage and his honour were without equal.
When Gorlois died, I lost the truest friend I ever had.
For he was as fearless in questioning my judgement as he was in defending my kingdom. That's the mark of a true friend.
I know how he respect you, my lord. But I don't share these memories.
我知道他有多尊敬你 陛下。但你说的这些我都不记得。
How can I? I was ten years old. I only know I loved him and he was taken from me.
When he died, and I took you into my care. You fought me from the beginning. Your will is as strong as my own.
You challenge me as a friend must. As your father did in his time.
