日期:2021-12-06 15:13


How often should we take a bath in winter?


The outermost layer of human skin is the stratum corneum, on top of which there is an acid sebaceous film. The fatty acids, urea, uric acid and lactate in the sebaceous film protect and hydrate the skin.


For young people, it is advisable to take a bath once every 2-3 days in winter, and the elderly as well as infants are recommended to take a bath every 3-5 days. Use cleaning products with harsh chemicals as little as possible.


Dr. Rajani Katta, professor of dermatology at Baylor, recommended patting the skin partially dry, then using moisturizer cream while skin is still damp after a shower.

贝勒医学院皮肤病学教授拉贾尼·卡塔(Rajani Katta)建议淋浴后在擦干身体之前可以先用手轻轻地把皮肤拍干,然后使用润肤乳进行保湿。

Taking a bath in the morning can be refreshing, helping you feel more alert at work. By contrast, a warm bath before going to bed can remove the dirt from the surface of the skin, accelerate blood circulation, relax the muscles of the whole body, eliminate fatigue, and improve sleep quality.


During a shower, what we wash away is mainly metabolites of human skin, including cells, sebum, and sweat, as well as external microorganisms on the body surface and cosmetics residue.


When taking a bath in winter, it is recommended to turn on the bathroom exhaust fan to improve circulation, and leave the door ajar so that you can be reached quickly if an accident occurs.


Derrick Phillips, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic in London, recommends being very gentle in the shower. Avoid products with fragrances and always use a gentle emollient like cream or lotion afterward to help restore oils in the skin and avoid irritation.


"Washing strips natural oils from the upper layer of the skin, leading to drying and irritation" Phillips says. "This can be particularly problematic in those with eczema who have naturally dry skin."


Dr. Rajani Katta, recommends showering with lukewarm water for no more than 10 to 15 minutes during wintery months.


A hot steamy bath might feel good during the winter months but it could leave your skin desperate for moisture. Doctors at Baylor College of Medicine say the higher temperatures at bath time increase dry skin, which could have long-term damaging effects.


"Even though long hot showers feel soothing to the skin during cold weather, it is actually hard on the skin," she said. "The high water temperature and the evaporation of water off the skin once out of the shower, causes the skin to become drier."

“在寒冷的天气里长时间的热水淋浴可以舒缓皮肤,但这实际上对皮肤不好。洗澡的时候水温很高,皮肤上的水分会蒸发,一旦结束淋浴,皮肤会变得更干燥,” 拉贾尼·卡塔解释说。

"Generous application of an emollient rich in ceramides immediately after washing will help to restore the natural oils and repair the skin barrier," adds Phillips.


Bathe daily if it works for your lifestyle and body type;


Bathe every other day if you're concerned about saving water or a skin condition;


Spot cleaning is better than nothing if you can't shower daily;


Avoid products that are overly drying;


Avoid using scrubs or exfoliation techniques more than once a week;


Use body moisturizers and lotions after every shower or bath.

