怎样才能更聪明, 反应更快?
日期:2021-04-30 14:49


1. Exercise

1. 锻炼

Regular exercise can increase brain function, improve memory, speed up cognitive processes, and fight off diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.


2. Get 8–9 Hours of High Quality Sleep

2. 8-9小时高质量睡眠

If you do NOTHING else except improve your sleep, I promise you that your brain will be faster and sharper than ever before.


3. Meditate for 10–30 Minutes a Day

3. 一天冥想10-30分钟

Meditation has been shown to help rebuild gray matter in the brain and increase cognitive performance significantly.


4. Play a Variety of Different Games

4. 玩各种不同的游戏

5. Pick up a Musical Instrument

5. 学一种乐器

Not only is music an amazing hobby that will do wonders for your social life, but it will literally rewire your brain and make you a faster and better learner.


6. Eat a Diet High In Healthy Fats and Low in Processed Sugars

6. 饮食应富含健康脂肪,少含工业制糖。

7. Habits You Must Avoid

7. 必须改掉的习惯

1) Drugs and Alcohol


2) Eating Sugar


3) Stressing Out


4) Operating from a Fixed Mindset


Back in 2015, Red Bull took their athletes through a series of “fear exercises” to help them perform better under pressure.


They had to drive racing cars on a dirt track, hold their breath under water as long as possible, and even crawl through a tunnel filled with snakes. At the end of the “fear training”, the athletes measured their heart rate, blood pressure, and mental comfort.


Guess what happened?


They were able to move faster, they were able to think faster, and they were able to act faster. Most importantly, their brain and body adapted under pressure. What was first a mentally exhausting and stressful activity, became something that they could do with ease and much more quickly.


So what can you take away from this little experiment?


Do the things that scare you the most… and you will become sharper, smarter, and faster than ever.

