日期:2022-06-29 10:15


《怨歌行》一诗用扇来比喻女子。扇在被人需要的时候就“出入怀袖”,不需要的时候就“弃捐箧笥”。旧时代有许多女子处于被玩弄的地位,她们的命运决定于男子的好恶,随时可被抛弃,正和扇子差不多。诗歌以团扇自喻,借团扇的遭遇比喻自己的悲惨命运,抒发了失宠妇女的痛苦心情。诗作旧作班婕妤诗,或颜延之诗, 皆误。据《文选》李善注引《歌录》作无名氏乐府《古辞》,属《相和歌·楚调曲》。 全诗语言清新秀美,构思巧妙,比喻贴切,形象生动,含意隽咏,耐人寻味。







A Present from the Emperor's New Concubine

Lady P'an

I took a piece of the rare cloth of Ch'i,

White silk glowing and pure a frost on snow,

And made you a fan of harmony and joy,

As flawlessly round as the full moon.

Carry it always, nestled in your sleeve.

Wave it and it will make a cooling breeze.

I hope, that when Autumn comes back

And the North Wind drives away the heat,

You will not store it away amongst old gifts

And forget it, long before it is worn out.

(Kenneth Rexroth 译)

The Fan

Fine, freshly woven silk of Qi

Is white as frost or snow;

A piece, embroidered, makes a fan

As round as the bright moon.

My lord keeps the fan about him,

Its motion makes a gentle breeze for him;

But I dread the coming of autumn

When cold winds steal away the sultry heat.

And the fan is tossed, unwanted, into a casket,

Its short term of favor ended.

(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)

