人事部CATTI三级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第46讲
日期:2014-08-26 09:50



3、带稿视译 (配以录音)


二、翻译单项技巧练习 —— 反译
由于汉英思维方式的不同,英汉语言的表达习惯也不尽相同。口译中,有时正译难以措辞或 者效果欠佳。这种情况下,一般要反其道而译之, 在词义、句式、肯定与否定、主动与被 动、先后顺序等方面采用正反变通方法来处理。这就是反译。某些特定的词汇和句式采用反 译法语言更生动流畅, 更能表达原意。

It has given us not a little trouble 这给我们带来很多麻烦。
He is no other than the professional talent we are looking for. 他正是我们要物色的专业人才。
You couldn't turn on television without seeing a woman advertising for some cosmetics. 你一开电视准会看到一个女人在作某化妆品广告。
More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion. 我们需要做更多的实验,然后才能得出结论。
She sat there, her chin cupped in her hands. 她坐在那里,双手托着下巴。

若不努力就会失败。You will fail unless you work hard.
这是我们最不愿意看到的事情。This is the last thing we wish to see.
您先请。After you please.
他总是十二点以后才睡觉。He never went to bed before 12 o'clock.
好几次她都想告诉他事情的真相,但是她没有勇气。Several times she wanted to tell him what had happened, but her courage failed her.

(1) You must be here without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
(2) He little thought that the police would arrest him.
(3) It's too good a chance to miss.
(4) It was beyond his power to sign a contract of one million US dollar.
(5) People take responsibility for helping others, without being told.
(6) The secret was not told until after the old man's death.

(1) 我再也不想见到你了。
(2) 任何国家要和平生存就必须遵守这些原则。
(3) 我们坚信要取得经济的增长首先需要政治稳定。
(4) 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。
(5) 直到 1920年,也就是美国人权法颁布129 年后,美国妇女才获得了选举权。
(6) 相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的前提,唯有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。

3、 练习答案
(1) 明天早上十点钟你必须赶到这里。
(2) 他一点也没有想到警察会逮捕他。
(3) 不能错过这样一个好机会。
(4) 他无权签订一项金额为一百万美元的合同。
(5) 人们主动地承担起帮助他人的责任。
(6) 这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来。

(1) You are the last person I want to see. (2) No nation can live in peace without these principles.
(3) We strongly believe that there can be no growth in economy without political stability.
(4) We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reform and adhere to the open policy.
(5) American women did not get their right to vote until 1920. That was 129 years after the Bill of Rights was issued.
(6) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.



blast 兴奋、狂欢会、满足
a great beer blast 盛大的啤酒狂欢会。
We had a blast at the party last night. 昨天的晚会上我们玩得很热闹。
gross 严重的、十足的、完全的;总的、毛的
gross miscalculation 严重的失算
gross inequalities in wealth, power and privilege 财富、权力和特权方面的极端不品等
gross income 总收入
gross domestic products (GDP) 国民生产总值nowhere near 远远不、完全不
这个国家的政治危机眼下根本无法解决。 The nation’s political crisis is nowhere near a solution.
这钱太少了,连支付费用的1%都不够。The money is nowhere near enough to cover one percent of the cost.
trespass (on/upon) 侵入、侵犯
trespass on sb’s rights 侵犯某人的权利
Don’t trespass on my land again. 不要再擅自闯入我的地界了。
deprive 夺去、使丧失
deprive sb. of his property 剥夺某人的财产
He was deprived of his sight by the accident. 那次事故使他丧失了视力。
pull off (成功地或艰苦地)完成、做成
pull off a deal 好不容易做成一笔生意
That horse will pull off the race. 那匹马会跑赢。

不是A,而是B B rather than A 或 B instead of A
需要世界各国共同努力。requires joint efforts of all countries around the world.
I end where I began.让我以开头的话作为结束语吧。四、词汇口译
电脑黑客 computer hacking / hacker
祖师爷 pioneer
electronic joy-rider 开着电子飞车兜风的人
have a blast 兴奋、满足
gross 十足的、完全的
指控 accuse / indict
电脑恐怖分子 cyber terrorist
invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私
nowhere near 远远不、完全不
committed and accomplished 执着的、熟练的
computer trespasser 电脑入侵者
deprive 夺去、使丧失
capital punishment 死刑、极刑

Passage 1


经济全球化 economic globalization
突飞猛进 develop rapidly / by leaps and bounds
深刻地改变change profoundly
生产方式mode of production
提供 provide / present
数字机遇digital opportunity推进 promote / accelerate
扩大差距widen the gap / disparity
缩小narrow the gap / disparity
不利的地位 in a disadvantageous position
拉大差距 aggravate disparity
数字鸿沟 digital divide
信息社会世界峰会 World Summit on Information Society (WSIS)
筹备会议preparatory meeting
物质基础 physical foundation
结构调整 structural readjustment
升级换代 upgrading
宽带高速信息网 high-speed broadband information network
全方位、多层次 various levels in an all-round way
信息通信与网络安全 security of infocom and network
网络犯罪 cyber crime
互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation
注重实效 (with emphasis of ) effectiveness
成果共享 achievement sharing
技术转让technology transfer
积极有效的帮助 active and effective assistance
信息化进程 informatization process


In the new century, the ongoing economic globalization and rapid advancements of science and technology have created unprecedented material and technological conditions for global economic and social development. (短句转化为名词词组做主语)

Narrowing and ultimately eliminating the “digital divide” is a major issue to be addressed in the process of building the information society. (短句转化为动名词短语做主语)

A fruitful preparatory meeting is essential to / guarantees the success of the summit.

Informatization presents valuable “digital opportunities” as well as various challenges to us.(后句与前句合并,并转化为宾语)



Many countries are taking active measures to vigorously push the development of infocom technologies and the information industry in an effort to accelerate national informatization processes.

然而我们看到,世界范围内信息通信技术发展极不平衡,/ 贫富国家享有和利用信息资源和技术的差距不是在缩小,而是在扩大,广大发展中国家处于十分不利的地位,/ 这必然导致南北贫富差距的进一步拉大。
However, the infocom development worldwide is seriously unbalanced. / The gap between the rich and the poor in terms of access to and utilization of information resources and information technologies is widening instead of narrowing, putting the developing countries in a more disadvantageous position. / This will inevitable further aggravate the disparity between the North and the South. (一句拆分为三句)

  • miscalculationn. 算错;误算
  • moden. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴 n. [音乐]
  • conclusionn. 结论
  • disparityn. 不一致
  • beneficialadj. 有益的,有利的
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • wideningv. 使变宽;使扩大;拓宽;扩展(widen的ing形式
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机