翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第104天
日期:2013-12-11 15:34





邮政储蓄 postal savings

回扣 sales commission/kickback

潘多拉魔盒 Pandora's box

霹雳舞 break dancing

诺亚方舟 Noah‘s Ark

软肋 soft spot/Achilles’ heel

软着陆 soft landing

汇演 joint performance

花边新闻 tidbit

西气东输 pipeline for transmitting natural gas from the west to the east

政府保障力 the government’s capacity for safeguard people’s livelihood

开辟了中国特色社会主义道路 blaze a trial of socialism with Chinese characteristics

生产安全事故 workplace accident ; work-related accident/work accident/accident at work/accident due to lack of work safety

行政事业性收费 administrative charges/fees/public service charges/fees

一次性补偿 lump-sum compensation/once-and-for-all compensation/one-off compensation/flat compensation


property tax 物业税

vacant property 闲置地产

complete apartment 现房

first/second stage 一期/二期

monthly installment payment 月供

added-value fees 增值地价

depreciation allowances 折旧费

policy-related house 政策性住房

key zones for development 重点开发区

residential property 住宅地产

owner-occupied homes /houses 自住型住房消费

run-down areas 棚户区

commercial housing with price ceilings 限价商品房

change hand 房屋转手(易主)

jelly-built projects 豆腐渣工程


中国银监会CBRC(China Banking Regulatory Commission)

多边贸易谈判MTN(multilateral trade negotiations)

国内生产总值GDP(Gross Domestic Product)

石油输出国家组织OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

东南亚国家联盟(东盟)ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)



  • domesticadj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的 n. 家仆,佣人
  • jointadj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的 n. 关节,接
  • compensationn. 补偿,赔偿; 赔偿金,物
  • commercialadj. 商业的 n. 商业广告
  • petroleumn. 石油
  • vacantadj. 空的,空虚的,木然的
  • associationn. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想
  • pipelinen. 管道,管线
  • blazen. 火焰,烈火 vi. 燃烧,发光 vt. 燃烧,宣布
  • safeguardn. 保卫者,保护措施 vt. 保卫,保护