日期:2014-11-14 09:39





Some people think economic progress is one way to measure a country's success other factors are also important. What are the other factors? Which factor is the most important one?


1. Introduction
理由段1:人是最关键的生产力, most valuable asset for the company, the nation and the whole world, 而随着全球化与经济发展进程加快加深,人们的身体健康正在恶化deteriorate/aggravate/exacerbate,可以把课堂上教的宝贝拿出来唬人了:cardiovascular disease, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, sudden death,cancer的发病率越来越高,患者年龄越来越低。新闻中的统计数据的确显示过去的25年青少年身体素质逐年下滑。
理由段2:心理不健康的青少年比例在增高。英国的柳叶刀杂志调查表明,每10个中国人就有1人是有mental disorder,(anxiety, sense of frustration, depression, insomnia, jealousy,bitterness, resentment, hostility)这也会进一步导致自杀与犯罪率上升,不能够正面思考的人群,谈何情绪管理,正确的价值观与高效率与高道德感的领袖精神?moral standard, highly productive, ability to energize others
理由段3: 良好的教育体系应当培养个体的独特性,想象力与创新精神, individuality, imagination and creativity,而在成年人都普遍焦虑的教育环境下,社会正在源源不断地出产一些强调分数,忽视真正的求知欲 intellectual curiosity,企业家或冒险精神, entrepreneurship, 以及为科学敢于献身的精神。持有高学历文凭的人在增多,真正创新的人才太少,这个趋势不加干预地发展下去就会扼杀一个国家发展的可持续性 sustainable prosperity, sustainability.
结尾:为了显得客观有说服力,可以稍作让步,指出环境的恶化,资源的减少等客观困难固然令人担心,但是考虑到人是最有潜力的资源,一个国家要想收获可持续性繁荣prosperity/flourishing/booming/booming/thriving,就必须高度重视人才的培养give priority to, attach importance to, emphasize, stress, cultivate,教育质量正是这个人才花园最紧要的肥沃土壤 fertile land, rich soil.


Under current international situation, the prosperity of a country is mainly embodied in the improvement of comprehensive national strength determining a nation's standing in the world's order. However, some individuals deem that economic progress is a valid way to standardize the success of country. After thoughtful consideration, I am convinced that triumph of a nation should be more based on improvement of economic power, meanwhile, it also relies on innovation of scientific strength and development of cultural strength.

To begin with, the advancement and innovation of science turns into the main route and pattern to realize the prosperity of a nation increasingly. Technology, as core competitiveness, is increasingly becoming the focus of competition between countries. For example, relying on technology can make it possible to realize sustainable utilization of resources and tackle significant existing and upcoming problems. Besides, it is also the internal impetus to develop advanced productivity and culture and makes fundamental interests of masses come true. For this point, significance and urgency of technology is becoming increasingly prominent in promoting triumph of a nation.

In addition, the development of cultural power is also another vital factor to make a nation flourish and prosper. It gradually turns into paramount source of national cohesion and creation, as the intellectual impetus, intellectual support and ideological guarantee in the development of the modern society. For example, it contains the mental strength and intelligent factor to drive all-round improvement of society and economy, besides, it also plays a momentous role in improving national overall quality and giving fully play to innovation capability of human beings. Hence, improving cultural strength is the fundamental way to achieve flourish and prosperity of a nation.

Admittedly, the economic basis determines the superstructure. In other words, the economic factor is the foundation of development of science and culture, because the improvement of economic strength is the paramount inscape of triumph of a nation. The victory or defeat of countries during the competition and their status in strategic pattern can be attributed to the economic power to large extent. For example, in peacetime, wealth is the key factor of influencing international politics, whilst, during wartime, it can be translated into military power. Therefore, countries around the world seize the opportunity to energetically develop their own economies so as to achieve the advantageous position.

To sum up, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view that the advancement of economic strength is the material basis of realizing prosperity of a nation, while, innovation of science and technology and development of culture is the significant constituent part of it. Therefore, economic development is the irreplaceable factor for the prosperity of nation, comparing with innovation of science and advancement of culture.

  • patternn. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型 v. 以图案装饰,仿造
  • jealousyn. 妒忌
  • individualityn. 个性,人格,特征
  • innovationn. 创新,革新
  • prospervi. 繁盛,成功,兴旺
  • standardizev. 标准化,使合于标准
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • cultivatevt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况