日期:2022-10-10 10:05



If you want something new and different in your life, you must first make room for happiness by moving out the old. The question is: Where do you start to begin to make room for happiness?


Time 时间

How do you spend your time? Is it wasted time, or refreshing time? Does it take you toward your goals, or away from them? Are you consciously spending time, or just letting it happen?


Environment 环境

What no longer is working for you in your environment? Are there unfinished projects that were important at one time, but no longer intrigue you? When you look around, does your environment make you feel good? Make you smile?

在你周围什么东西已经没有价值了?是否有曾经很吸引你,如今却不再能激起你兴趣且尚未完成的工作?环视四周,环境是否让你感觉不错? 让你微笑?


Relationships 关系

What relationships are no longer effective to your happiness? Do the people in your life support you? Are you proud to introduce them to others? Do you learn from them?


Thinking 思考

Do you talk to yourself like your best friend? Or do you talk to yourself like the neighbor you despise? Do your thoughts inspire and motivate you, or hold you back from your best self?


Work 工作

Do you feel fulfilled and happy about your work, whether that's a domestic engineer, or CEO? or do you dread doing the work, and just count the minutes until time off? Once you have made the room for success, adding what you really want will give you pleasure and fulfillment. If you try to add it on top of what you already have, it will become just another source of aggravation.


First, you must set up your life to support success.


微信公众号:英语美文朗读 孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix 孟叔的抖音:184302945
