日期:2021-10-29 10:30





2、Henry老师好!我听了微信公众号里金牌音标ɑ,ɔ,ɔr那节课。课件里音标标注ɑ的单词,Cambridge里的美式音标就只有ɑ。但课件里标读ɔ的几个单词talk [tɔk],walk [wɔk],bought [bɔt]等,在Cambridge字典美式音标下却有ɑ和ɔ 2种音标。请问下,这种标了2种美式音标的情况,是一般都读ɔ吗?或者哪些读ɑ,哪些读ɔ,有什么规律吗? Cambridge标了2种美式读法的单词还有cost等。另外,关于音标ɑ,Cambridge字典中有时标ɑ,有时标ɑ:。请问下后面带不带冒号有什么区别吗?发音是一样的吗?

3、请教Henry老师一个发音问题:or单独发音发成“五儿”,那以or开头的下列单词比如:orange, organize, order , ordinary, oral, organic, origin, original 等词开头也发成“五儿”吗?非常感谢老师。






Rachel: OK, well Monica, suppose one of your "special" tickets win, how are you gonna feel when you win the lottery and you lose all your friends?

Monica:Please, if I win the lottery, you guys are not gonna leave me. Someone gave me a basket of mini-muffins last week and I couldn't get rid of you for 3 days!

Rachel: Chandler, would you just tell her what she did was wrong?

Chandler: She's right, you shouldn't have bought tickets just for us...

Monica: Ahhh!

Chandler: Let me finish, however, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get this job, so I can't afford to have principles, so screw you, the tickets are ours!

Monica:There's the man I married!

Rachel: All right, believe me. If you win the lottery, it's the last you're gonna hear from us!

Monica: Fine! Don't be my friends! I'll buy new friends! Yeah, and then I'll pay for their plasticsurgery so they'd look just like you!

Rachel: Oh! Alright, you know what? That's it! I want my share of the tickets!

Joey: Yeah, I want my tickets too! And I'm buying the Knicks! And Steffi Graff, ah ah!

Ross: Then I want mine, too! And if I win I'm gonna put it all into a very low-yield bond.

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、I couldn't get rid of you for 3 days!

2、I can't afford to have principles.

3、It's the last you're gonna hear from us!

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、You got just as good a chance as anybody else of getting that job!

2、What about the ones you have on the nightstand?

3、You must be mistaken!
