2010年苹果全球开发者大会 乔布斯介绍初代iPhone 4(1)
日期:2021-05-10 16:29



In 2007, iPhone reinvented what we think of as a phone.
It's hard to remember what it was like before iPhone.
Carrier's controlled what was on the phone, there were a few apps but nothing like we think about apps today.
There was no free market for apps, there was no App Store, it was really different before the iPhone.
当时没有免费应用市场,也没有App Store,iPhone问世前的情况与之后完全不同7MIKfQAN1dC[CGrQxK[W
And the iPhone started to change all of that in 2007, it was a revolution.
In 2008, we added 3G networking and the App Store.
2008年,我们增加了3G网络和App StorebukL;lZAbh;D*u4Y


2010年苹果全球开发者大会 乔布斯介绍初代iPhone 4


In 2009, the iPhone 3GS was twice as fast, and we added some other cool features, like video recording.
2009年,iPhone 3GS的运行速度是之前的两倍,我们还增加了一些其他很酷的功能,比如录像mtGaQ+%#yw
For 2010, we're going to take the biggest leap since the original iPhone.
And so today, today, we're introducing iPhone 4, the 4th generation iPhone.
今天,我们要介绍iPhone 4,第四代iPhone-Op6kj)5Rl+Q*w!#aD
Now... this is really hot, and there are... there are well-over a hundred new features, and we don't have time to cover all of them today.
So I get to cover eight of them with you. Eight new features of the iPhone 4.
所以我要和你们一起看一下其中的八个vo9RiZEOHnZ11(=。iPhone 4的八个新功能0JF;TPD5I-
