英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1190期:无钱结婚莫莫伤心
日期:2020-08-18 11:26




求婚的时候男方说:Will you marry me?女方是不是只能回答Yes or No?(.我看到网上有讨论该怎么回答。有的人说按语法上回答应该是Yes,I will. or No, I won't。有的人说应该回答Yes,I do.(没说No该怎么回答))。请Henry老师指点一下到底应该怎么回答,谢谢哼哼老师!

2、我陪娃读杂志,里面的Gran and Poppy是不是爷爷奶奶的意思?但是又没有查到有这种写法和用法,是人名吗?直接称呼爷爷奶奶名字应该不会吧,一般是同辈才称呼名字,您知道这个是怎么回事吗Henry老师?非常感谢

3、请问俩位老师:going to口语中可以说成gonna: 比如I gonna get going。那如果后面接名词该怎么说呢?还有我听说过这样的表达:I mma go to thestore. 这个I mma 又是什么的缩写呢?非常感谢老师!Have a nice day!







Rachel: Well what happenedat dinner?

Monica: My parents spent the money for our wedding!

Phoebe: My God! What did you order?

Rachel: Wait, but there's no money? Well this is terrible! You guys are gonna have to get married in likearec. center!

Chandler: Honey,it's gonna be Okay.

Monica: No! No it's not! It's not gonna be Okay! It sucks! No swing band! No lilies!

Rachel: You know what? It's gonna be Okay. I mean you don't haveto have thisrusticItalian feast. Y'know? And-and you don't need, you don't need thiscustom-made,empire-waisted, duchess, satin gown, you can wearoff the rack.

Chandler: Look, it really is gonna be Okay. The important thing isthat we love each other and that we're gonna get married.

Rachel:Do you even understand what off the rackmeans?

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、You guys are gonna have to get married inlike a rec. center!

2、It's gonna be Okay.

3、Do you even understand what off the rackmeans?

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、Let's get started on the wedding plans!

2、Take it from me,

3、Take locations for instance.
