日期:2016-10-20 14:12


Free speech
Under attack
Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out.

IN A sense, this is a golden age for free speech. Your smartphone can call up newspapers from the other side of world in seconds. More than a billion tweets, Facebook posts and blog updates are published every single day. Anyone with access to the internet can be a publisher, and anyone who can reach Wikipedia enters a digital haven where America's First Amendment reigns.
1curb 控制,抑制,限定,约束
2 call sth up 调用贮存;调出备用

3 First Amendment : the statement in the US Constitution that protects freedom of speech and religion and the right to meet in peaceful groups
4 reign 统治;当政;为王;为君
However, watchdogs report that speaking out is becoming more dangerous—and they are right. As our report shows, curbs on free speech have grown tighter. Without the contest of ideas, the world is timid and ignorant.
1 watchdog(监督公司活动及监护人们权利的)监察人,监察团体
2 timid 羞怯的;胆怯的;缺乏勇气的
3 ignorant 不了解的;无知的;愚昧的;无学识的
Free speech is under attack in three ways. First, repression by governments has increased.Several countries have reimposed cold-war controls or introduced new ones. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia enjoyed a free-for-all of vigorous debate. Under Vladimir Putin, the muzzle has tightened again. All the main television-news outlets are now controlled by the state or by Mr. Putin's cronies. Journalists who ask awkward questions are no longer likely to be sent to labour camps, but several have been murdered.
1 repression 压制;镇压
2 vigorous 充满活力的;果断的;精力充沛的
3 outlet 经销店;专营店;廉价商品经销店;折扣店;(情感的)发泄途径;(思想的)表达方式
4 crony 好友;密友
5 introduce 推行;实施;采用(新产品 / 法律)
6 muzzle(防止动物咬人的)口套
China's leader, Xi Jinping, ordered a crackdown after he took over in 2012, toughening up censorship of social media, arresting hundreds of dissidents and replacing liberal debate in universities with extra Marxism. In the Middle East the overthrow of despots during the Arab spring let people speak freely for the first time in generations. This has lasted in Tunisia, but Syria and Libya are more dangerous for journalists than they were before the uprisings; and Egypt is ruled by a man who says, with a straight face: "Don't listen to anyone but me."
1 crackdown 严厉的打击;镇压
2 toughen (sth/sb) (up) (使)坚硬,坚固
3 dissident 持不同政见者
4 despot 专制统治者;专制君主;暴君
5 censorship 审查;检查;审查制度
Second, a worrying number of non-state actors are enforcing censorship by assassination. Reporters in Mexico who investigate crime or corruption are often murdered, and sometimes tortured first. Jihadists slaughter those they think have insulted their faith. When authors and artists say anything that might be deemed disrespectful of Islam, they take risks. Secular bloggers in Bangladesh are hacked to death in the street (see article); French cartoonists are gunned down in their offices. The jihadists hurt Muslims more than any others, not least by making it harder for them to have an honest discussion about how to organise their societies.

1 assassinate(尤为政治目的)暗杀,行刺
2 torture 拷打;拷问;严刑逼供
3 slaughter 屠杀;杀戮
4 deem 认为;视为;相信
5 secular 现世的;世俗的;非宗教的
6 bangladesh 孟加拉共和国;
7 hack 砍;劈
8 not least 特别;尤其
Third, the idea has spread that people and groups have a right not to be offended. This may sound innocuous. Politeness is a virtue, after all. But if I have a right not to be offended, that means someone must police what you say about me, or about the things I hold dear, such as my ethnic group, religion, or even political beliefs. Since offence is subjective, the power to police it is both vast and arbitrary.

1 innocuous 无恶意的;无意冒犯的
2 virtue 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行
3 police 监督;管制
4 hold dear 非常关心;十分看重;极为珍视
5 subjective 主观的(非客观的)
6 arbitrary 任意的;武断的;随心所欲的
7 vast 辽阔的;巨大的

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