英音故事轻松学(MP3+文本) 第13期:纳尼亚传奇之旅13
日期:2016-02-03 08:29



"Oh, Mr Tumnus-I'm so sorry to stop you, and I do love that tune - but really, I must go home. I only meant to stay for a few minutes."

"It's no good now, you know," said the Faun, laying down its flute and shaking its head at
her very sorrowfully.

"No good?" said Lucy, jumping up and feeling rather frightened. "What do you mean? I've got to go home at once. The others will be wondering what has happened to me." But a moment later she asked, "Mr Tumnus! Whatever is the matter?" for the Faun's brown eyes had filled with tears and then the tears began trickling down its cheeks, and soon they were running off the end of its nose; and at last it covered its face with its hands and began to howl.

  • fluten. 长笛 vi. 吹长笛,发出笛声 vt. 制或刻垂直
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • tricklingn. 油画底色含油太多而成泡沫状突起 v. 流出;使滴下