中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第14篇:Taking chances, Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇
日期:2014-07-22 17:14



Lecturer Charles Hobbs sometimes tells about awomanwholived inLondon over a century ago. She savedwhatlittle moneyshe could working as ascullery maid and used it (little money) one eveningto hear a great speaker of her day.His speech moved herdeeplyand she waitedto visit with himafterward."How fineit must be to have had the opportunitiesyou have had in life," shesaid.

演说家lecturer查尔斯·霍布斯经常会在他的演说中引用(tell about)这样的故事。一百多年前伦敦住着一位女士她以给人帮厨为生。生活虽然很艰难,她还是省吃俭用地攒了一点儿钱(she saved what littlemoney),并用这点儿钱去听了一场演讲。演讲者是一位在当时非常著名的演说家。他的演讲深深地感染了她,也触动了她。演讲结束之后,她并没有立即离去,而是去拜访了那位演说家。要能像您这样一生中拥有这么多的机会那该有多好啊!她羡慕道。

"My dear lady." he replied, "haveyou never received an opportunity?"


"Notme.I havenever had a chance,"she said.


"What do you do?"the speaker asked.


She answered, "I peel onions and potatoes in my sister'sboarding house."

我在我姐姐开的寄宿公寓(boarding house)里帮厨剥剥洋葱削削土豆。她答道

"How long have you been doing this?" he pursued.


"Fifteen miserable years!" “都已经干了15年了,难熬的15年啊!

"And where do yousit?" he continued.


"Why,onthe bottom stepin thekitchen." She lookedpuzzled.


"And where do you put your feet?" “那么您把脚放在哪里呢

"On thefloor," she answered,morepuzzled.

放在地板上啊。她惊讶地望着演讲家。(puzzled adj. 困惑的;茫然的;搞糊涂的)

"What is thefloor?" “那地板是什么样的?

"It is glazed brick." “是用釉面砖铺就的。

Then he said, "My dear lady, I will give youanassignment today. Iwant you to write me a letter about the brick."

著名的演讲家说道亲爱的女士今天我要给您布置一项任务(an assignment)。我想让您写一封信给我,谈一谈您对砖的认识。

Against her protests about being a poor writer, he made her promise to complete the assignment.


The next day,asshe sat down to peel onions, shegazed atthe brick floor. Thatevening she pulled oneloose, tookit to a brick factory andaskedthe ownerto explainto herhowbrickswere made.


Still not satisfied, she went to a library andfound a bookon bricks. Shelearnedthat120 differentkinds of brick and tilewere being producedin Englandat the time. She discoveredhowclaybeds,whichexisted for millions of years,were formed. Her research captivated her imagination and shespentevery spare momentlearningmore. She returned to the librarynight after nightand this woman,who never had a chance, graduallybegan to climb the steps of knowledge.

对于厂长的解释她并不满意,于是,她又跑到了图书馆。通过查阅资料,她了解到,在当时的英国,一共有一百二十多种砖瓦(120 different kinds ofbrick and tile)在生产(were being produced 过去进行时的被动语态)。她还发现了已经存在了数百年的粘土层是如何形成的。她已经完全沉浸在她的研究之中了,她的思想也已经被她的研究完全占据了。每天晚上,她都会准时到图书馆查阅资料。

After months of study, she set out to write her letteras promised. She senta 36-page documentabout thebrick in her kitchen and, to her surprise, she received a letterback. Enclosed was payment for her research. Hehad publishedher letter! Andalong with the moneycame a new assignment- thistime he asked her to writeabout whatshe foundunderneath the brick.

经过几个月的研究之后她按照演说家的要求写信(set out to write her letter as promised)。在这封长达36页的信中,她详细地介绍了厨房里地砖的有关情况。令她吃惊的是(to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是),不久以后,她就收到了回信。随信而来的(enclosed),还有她的研究所获得的报酬。原来,那位演讲家把她的信拿去发表了!不仅如此,演讲家又给她布置了一项新任务:写一些她在厨房地砖下面发现的东西。

For the first time in her life shecould hardly wait to get back to thekitchen! She pulled up the brick and there was an ant. She held itinher hand and examined it.

女士一生中第一次受到极大的鼓舞迫不及待地can hardly wait to do 迫不及待返回厨房她撬起一块砖头一看发现下面有一只蚂蚁。她把它拿在手心仔细地观察。

That evening, she hurried back to the libraryto study ants. She learnedthatthere were hundreds of different kinds of ants.Some were so small they could stand on the head of a pin;whileotherswere so largeonecould feel the weight of them in one's hand.She startedher own ant colony and examined ants underneath a lens.

那天晚上一下班,她便急匆匆地赶到图书馆,去查阅有关蚂蚁的书籍了。通过研究,她了解到世界上有好几百种各种各样的蚂蚁。有的蚂蚁很小很小,小到可以站在针尖上,而(while)有的则很大很大,大到放在手上都能感觉到它们的重量。为了便于研究,她还专门养了一群蚂蚁,每天都拿着放大镜(a lens)仔细观察。

Several months later she wroteher findingsin a350-page "letter".It, too, was eventually published.She soon quit her kitchen jobto take up writing.


Before she died, shehadtraveledtothe lands of herdreamsandhad experiencedmore thanshe ever imaginedpossible! This is the womanwhohadneverhada chance.


Some peoplewaitforopportunityto comeknocking. Here is a personwhosought itout,provingagainthatwe can bemore thanvictims of mere circumstance.

有些人等着机会来敲门而这个人却是去寻找机会seek it out。她再次证明我们不应该仅仅成为环境的受害者(victim),我们可以做得更多。

If given a chance,willyou take it?Ifgiven no chance,canyou make one?




1. Lecture Hobbs sometimestells about a woman who _____ in London over a century ago.

A. lives B. lived C. hadlived D. has lived

2. I _____ onions andpotatoes in my sister’s boarding house.

A. pale B. park C. peel D. peep

3. ______ her protests about being a poor writer,he made her promise to complete the assignment.

A.By B. Against C. While D. Except

4. The next day, as she sat down to peel onions,she _____ the brick floor.

A. gazed at B.good at C. looked out D. looked through

5. She spent every ____ moment learning more.

A.other B.spare C. span D. special

6. _____ was payment for her research.

A.Enclosing B. Enclosed C. Encircled D. Enriched

7. And ______ the money came a new assignment.

A, aslong as B. as if C. only if D. along with

8. For the first time in her life she could ____wait to get back to the kitchen.

A.nearly B. almost C. hardly D. seldom

9. Some were so small while _____ were so large.

A.another B. the other C. others D. no other

10. She soon quit her job to ______ writing.

A. takein B. take out C. take off D. take up

11. If _____ no chance,can you make one?

A. giving B. to give C. to given D. youare given

答案:1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 6B 7D 8C 9C 10D 11D

  • miserableadj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的
  • lensn. 镜头,透镜,(眼球的)水晶体 vt. 给…摄
  • puzzledadj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的
  • lecturern. 演讲者,讲师
  • enclosedadj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos
  • circumstancen. 环境,(复数)境况,事件,详情
  • victimn. 受害者,牺牲
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • colonyn. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落
  • peeln. 果皮 vt. 削皮,剥落 vi. 脱皮,脱衣服,脱