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日期:2014-06-20 17:16


1.The storm caused severe damage.
A.physical B.accidental C.serious D.environmental
2.Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
A.selected B.operated C.developed D.discovered
3.The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.
A.real B.main C.only D.practical
4.A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy.
A.gathered B.watched C.shouted D.walked
5.He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Australia.
A.gradual B.regular C.direst D.occasional
6.On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers.
A.wild B.fresh C.lovely D.false
7.We had trouble finding a pure water supply.
A.typical B.complete C.clean D.clear
8.“What do you mean by that” Paul asked sharply.
A.critically B.helplessly C.politely D.quickly
9.She only needs a minute amount of money.
A.certain B.fair C.full D.small
10.Keep your passport in a secure place.
A.special B.good C.safe D.different
11.He inspired many young people to take up the sport.
A.encouraged B.allowed C.called D.advised
12.Did she accept his research proposal?
A.invitation B.plan C.offer D.view
13.The city center was wiped out by the bomb.
A.covered B.destroyed C.reduced D.moved
14.I’d like to withdraw £500 from my current account.
A.leave B.pay C.put D.draw
15.The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
A.hate B.need C.love D.pity

Tiny Invaders
The human body is truly amazing. It allows us to sense the world around us, to do work and have fun, and to move from place to place. In fact, the human body does its work so well that most people don’t think about it very much — until they get sick.
The germs(致病菌)that make people sick are everywhere. You can’t see them, but they’re there. They’re sitting on your desk. They’re hiding on your computer’s keyboard. They’re even in the air that you are breathing. There are two types of germs: viruses and bacteria(细菌). Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants. Viruses cause illnesses such as flu and measles(麻疹). Bacteria are tiny creatures. Some bacteria are good. They can help your stomach break down food. Other bacteria aren’t so good. They can make you sick. Bacteria can cause sore throats(喉痛)and ear infections.
How can you stop these tiny invaders from making you sick? Your skin is the first defense against germs. You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap and water. But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes, and nose.
Once germs are inside your body, your immune(免疫的)system tries to protect you. It looks for and destroys germs. How does it do that? Special cells patrol your body. Some of these cells actually eat germs! Other cells make antibodies. An antibody sticks to a germ. There is a different antibody for each kind of germ. Some antibodies keep germs from making you sick. Others help your body find and kill germs. After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body. They protect you if the same kind of germ comes back. That way you will not get the same illness twice.
You can keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious(有营养的)diet to make your immune system strong. You can also help your immune system fight germs by getting vaccinated(接种). Vaccines are medicines. They contain germs that have been killed or weakened. The dead germs can’t make you sick. Instead, they cause your body to make antibodies. If the same germ ever shows up again, then your antibodies attack it.
16.Viruses can only live inside people or animals.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
17.All bacteria cause illnesses.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
18.Washing your skin can prevent some illnesses.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
19.Germs can enter the body through the eyes.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
20.The heart contains the body’s strongest muscle.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
21.After they kill germs, antibodies stay in the body.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
22.Vaccines can make you sick.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
1 Yes, alcoholism can be treated. Alcoholism treatment programs use both counseling and medication(药物治疗)to help a person stop drinking. Most alcoholics need help to recover from their disease. With support and treatment, many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.
2 A range of medication is used to treat alcoholism. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平类药物)are sometimes used during the first days after a person stops drinking to help him or her safely withdraw from alcohol. However, these medications are not used beyond the first few days because they may be highly addictive. Other medications help people remain sober(清醒). One medication used for this purpose is naltrexone(环丙甲羟二羟吗啡酮). When combined with counseling, naltrexone can reduce the strong desire for alcohol and help prevent a person from returning to heavy drinking. Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫)discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. Though several medications help treat alcoholism, there is no “magic bullet.” Developing new and more effective medications to treat alcoholism remains a high priority for researchers.
3 Alcoholism treatment works for many people. But just like any chronic disease, there are different levels of success in treatment. Some people stop drinking and remain sober. Others cannot stop drinking for any length of time. With treatment, one thing is clear, however, the longer a person stops drinking alcohol, the more likely he or she will be able to stay sober.
4 No, alcoholism cannot be cured at this time. Even if an alcoholic hasn’t been drinking for a long time, he or she can still return to the drinking habit. To guard against it, an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.

23.Paragraph 1______
24.Paragraph 2 ______
25.Paragraph 3______
26.Paragraph 4______

A.What medications treat alcoholism?
B.What are drinking problems?
C.Can alcoholism be cured?
D.Does alcoholism treatment work?
E.What is alcoholism?
F.Can alcoholism be treated?

27.Medication can help some people__________.
28.Disulfiram can prevent drinking by making the alcoholic__________.
29.For alcoholism treatment, there is no single medication that works__________
30.The key to cure alcoholism is to avoid all__________.

A.stay confused
B.alcoholic drinks
C.medical treatment
D.feel sick
E.in every person
F.stop drinking
第一篇 Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering began when the DNA molecule(分子), the most basic unit of life, was first described in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction. Experiments with altering human cells began in 1970. In one of the first experiments, patients were injected with a virus that would produce a life-saving enzyme, but their bodies would not accept it. In 1980 patients with a rare but fatal blood disease were injected with a purified gene that was cloned through DNA technology. Another failure.
Genetic engineering got a legal boost(激励)in 1980. The U. S. Supreme Court said that a patent could be granted on a genetically engineered “oil-eating” bacterium(细菌). This bacterium would help clean up oil spills. The ruling encouraged companies to invent new life forms, and three important medical products were quickly developed.
Human interferon(干扰素)— a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease. A newly engineered bacterium produced human interferon as a by-product. This new product reduced the cost of interferon.
Human growth hormone—for children whose bodies do not grow to normal height. An expensive growth hormone(荷尔蒙)was previously produced from human cadavers, but by changing the genetic make-up of the single-cell bacterium E. coli, and affordable growth hormone could be produced.
Human insulin(胰岛素)—for the treatment of diabetes. People with diabetes used to rely on a beef-or pork-based product until 1982. Now insulin can be manufactured by genetically altered bacteria.
Advances in genetic engineering have continued, though they constantly must be weighted against the safety of procedures. There is clearly much more to discover.
31.This passage is mainly about__________.
A.the effects of altering cells
B.the human growth hormone
C.insulin resistance
D.U. S. Supreme Court rulings
32.Genetic engineering may be defined as__________.
A.the altering of normal cell reproduction
B.a branch of applied chemistry
C.a procedure that holds little promise
D.a study on life-saving enzymes
33.According to the passage, human interferon__________ .
A.is a hormone that causes disease
B.could be used to treat cancer
C.is a viral disease
D.has been cured
34.In this passage, the three genetically engineered medical products are presented__________.
A.as a process
B.in a simple list
C.from earliest to latest
D.as a story
35.In the last paragraph, the word “weighed” has the closest meaning with__________.
A.had great influence
B.became a burden
C.considered carefully
D.measured accurately
第二篇 Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)
Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it. However, before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物) fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.
Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking, but it has been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508, and Africans, who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves. Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes. The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep to the island. Africans also added to the island’s food culture by introducing powerful, contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact, much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for—coffee, coconuts, and oranges—was actually imported by foreigners to the island.
A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的). It’s true that chili peppers are popular; aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的) tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions, green bell peppers, sweet chili peppers, and a handful of other spices. It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.
36.Who lived in Puerto Rico first?
A.The Africans.
B.The Spanish.
C.The Americans.
D.The Taino people.
37.In the first paragraph the word “it” refers to __________.
B.Caribbean history
C.the island’s natural beauty
D.Puerto Rican cuisine
38.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking.
B.Food imported by foreigners isn’t really Puerto Rican.
C.Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.
D.African foods have probably had the most influence.
39.How is sofrito used?
A.It is eaten before meals.
B.It is added to other dishes.
C.It is used where foods are too spicy.
D.It is eaten as a main dish.
40.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Softito is a type of extremely spicy food.
B.Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy.
C.Puerto Rican cuisine uses a lot of chili peppers.
D.Aij caballero is a type of chile pepper.
第三篇 Eat Healthy
“Clean your plate!” and “Be a member of the clean-plate club!” Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, it’s accompanied by an appeal: “Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!” Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites. Instead of staying “clean the plate”, perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow.
According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little.
Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand.
Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4, 000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who can’t afford fine dining still prefer large portions. 70 percent of those earning at least $ 150, 000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25, 000 want smaller.
It’s not that working class Americans don’t want to eat healthy. It’s just that, “after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next year’s Christmas presents.
41.Parents in the United States tend to ask their children__________.
A.not to waste food at meals
B.to save food for tomorrow
C.to wash the dishes clean
D.not to eat too much at meals
42.American restaurants serve large portions because Americans__________.
A.have big bellies
B.value quantity
C.want enough nutrition
D.are mostly rich
43.What happened in America in the 1970s?
A.The restaurants began to serve smaller portions.
B.Health experts advised people to eat less.
C.Many Americans tried to get slim.
D.The American waistline started to expand.
44.What does the survey indicate?
A.20 percent Americans want smaller portions
B.57 percent Americans earn $ 150. 000 per year
C.Low-income American prefer large portions
D.23 percent Americans earn less than $ 25.000 per year
45.Which of the following is NOT true of working class Americans?
A.They live from paycheck to paycheck.
B.They don’t have the habit of saving money.
C.They work long hours.
D.The want to be healthy eaters.
Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers. There are 175 different kinds of trees, and 60 kinds of birds live here. _______ (46) You are downtown in the city of Nara, Japan, in Kasugayama Forest, the oldest urban forest in the world. It was started more than a thousand years ago, and today it’s very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks, and some are just streets with a lot of trees. But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment. _______ (47) They also stop the noise from heavy traffic. They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler, and they stop strong winds.
Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature. ____ (48)
In some countries, people are starting new urban forests. In England, there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase, east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast. Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest, and there are programs for children and artists.____ (49)
Some older cities don’t have space for a big urban forest, but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees. Trees are even good for business. _______ (50) In the future, urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城市)of tomorrow, people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.
A.People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B.In hot countries, urban forests are cool places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C.But you are not in rural area.
D.Trees take pollution out of the air.
E.In 2033, it will have 5 million trees.
F.It has many kinds of birds in the country.
Going on a Diet
A typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay alive. These calories keep your heart ______ (51) and your lungs breathing. They keep your organs operating _____ (52) and, your brain running. They also keep your body warm. A person ______ (53) weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than needed. The only way to lose fat is to ______ (54) the number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic _____ (55) behind going on a diet.
Unfortunately, diets don’t _______ (56) for most people. They do lose weight but then go ______ (57) the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to _____ (58) consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day and how many you _______ (59) take in. The next step is to add exercise so that you can ______ (60) the number of calories you can consume per day.
Exercise charts can show you how many calories different _____ (61) of exercise can burn. Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can _____ (62) a big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can ____ (63) the stairs instead of the elevator. Find an exercise ______ (64). Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. It’s a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are on a diet. ______ (65) clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.
51.A.jumping B.turning C.beating D.kicking
52.A.quickly B.easily C.warmly D.properly
53.A.gains B.brings C.takes D.carries
54.A.double B.reduce C.fix D.remove
55.A.principle B.form C.method D.kind
56.A.work B.start C.change D.balance
57.A.on B.after C.off D.for
58.A.getting B.meeting C.supporting D.maintaining
59.A.partly B.hopefully C.wisely D.actually
60.A.contain B.cut C.raise D.grow
61.A.ways B.factors C.functions D.forms
62.A.have B.do C.make D.give
63.A.set B.climb C.run D.repair
64.A.partner B.colleague C.associate D.to
65.A.Tight B.Loose C.Casual D.Formal
1 C 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B
6 D 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 C
11 A 12 B 13 B 14 A 15 A
16 B 17 B 18 A 19 A 20 C
21 A 22 B 23 F 24 A 25 D
26 C 27 F 28 D 29 E 30 B
31 A 32 A 33 B 34 B 35 C
36 D 37 D 38 C 39 B 40 A
41 A 42 B 43 D 44 C 45 B
46 C 47 D 48 B 49 E 50 A
51 C 52 D 53 A 54 B 55 A
56 A 57 C 58 D 59 D 60 C
61 D 62 C 63 B 64 A 65 A
1.C 题意:风暴造成了严重的损失。
句子中severe的意思是剧烈的,严重的。A中physical的意思是自然(界)的,物质的;例句:It’s a physical impossibility to be in two places at one time.同时身在两地是自然规律上不可能的事。B中accidental的意思是意外的,偶然(发生)的;例句:Banging may also be accidental and painful.这种撞击也可能是意外的且疼痛的。C中serious的意思是严肃的,严重的;例句:A serious look passed over his face.他脸上显出一副严肃的神色。D中environmental的意思是(个人)环境的,周围的。例句:In China environmental change will come about only through education.在中国,环境的改善只能通过教育来实现。故选C。
2.D 题意:如果发现得早,很多癌症都能被治愈。
句子中detected的意思是发现,发觉,查明。A中selected的意思是选择,挑选;例句:She lets her son select his own Christmas present.她让儿子自己挑选圣诞礼物。B中operated的意思是做手术;例句:The doctor began to operate on the boy.医生开始给那个男孩动手术。C中developed的意思是发展;例句:China can’t develop in isolation from the rest of the world.中国的发展离不开世界。D中discovered的意思是发现;例句:The fact is that he did not discover it.事实是他没有发现它。故选D。
3.C 题意:这个故事刊登的唯一目的就是售卖报纸。
句子中sole的意思是唯一的。A中real的意思是真实的;例句:Children believe that these characters are real.孩子们相信这些人物是真实的。B中main的意思是主要的,最重要的;例句:The teacher asked me to note down the main points of the speech.老师要求我把演说的要点记下来。C中only的意思是唯一的,仅有的;例句:He had only a few coppers with him.他身边只有几枚铜币。D中practical的意思是实战的,实际的;例句:Most importantly, we should develop our own practical ability.最重要的是我们应该提高自身的实践能力。故选C。
4.A 题意:美国使馆前面聚集了一大群人。
句子中assembled的意思是集合。A中gathered的意思是(使)聚集,集合;例句:Clouds gather before a thunderstorm.在风暴来临之前云层聚集。B中watched的意思是注视,注意;例句:Watch what I do and how I do it.注意看我的动作和方法。C中shouted的意思是呼喊,叫;例句:He opened his mouth to shout, but no sound came out.他张开嘴呼喊,但是没有发出声音。D中walked的意思是走,步行,散步;例句:The car’s kaput. We’ll have to walk.汽车坏了,我们只好步行。故选A。
5.B 题意:当他在澳大利亚的时候还与家人不断保持联系。
句子中constant的意思是不断的,持续的。A中gradual的意思是渐进的,逐渐的;例句:This leads to gradual memory exhaustion.这将导致存储空间逐渐耗尽。B中regular的意思是正规的,整齐的;规则的;例句:Please act according to the regular procedure.请按照正规的程序行事。C中direst的意思是极度的;例句:The direst consequences of all this lie in the future, however.然而,最严重的后果还在将来。D中occasional的意思是偶尔的,不经常的;例句:He’s someone I have an occasional chat and joke with.我偶然跟他闲聊,一起说笑话。故选B。
6.D 题意:桌子上的花瓶里插满了假花。
句子中artificial的意思是人造的,人工的,虚假的。A中wild的意思是野生的;例句:I was living a wild child.我的行为像个没人管的孩子。B中fresh的意思是新鲜的;例句:Open the window and let in some fresh air.打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。C中lovely的意思是可爱的;例句:The squirrel is a lovely small animal.松鼠是一种可爱的小动物。D中false的意思是假的;例句:Lucy had a pair of false eyelashes today.露西今天戴了一副假睫毛。故选D。
7.C 题意:我们在寻找纯净水供应方面遇到了麻烦。
句子中pure的意思是纯的,干净的。A中typical的意思是典型的,代表性的;例句:Since I’m here, I’d like to try a typical dish of this country.既然来了,我想吃这个国家特有的菜。B中complete的意思是完全的,完整的;例句:We’ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.我们一定要建立一个完整的现代化工业体系。C中clean的意思是清洁的,干净的;例句:You must keep your clothes clean.你必须保持衣着整洁。D中clear的意思是清楚的,明白的;例句made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。故选C。
8.A 题意:“你什么意思?”保尔严厉地问道。
句子中sharply的意思是严历地,锋利地。A中critically的意思是批判性地,苛求地。例句:I looked at myself critically in the mirror.我对着镜子,挑剔地打量着自己。B中helplessly的意思是无助地,无能地;例句:She looked about her helplessly for a means of escape.她无助地四下观望,寻找脱身之机。C中politely的意思是有礼貌地,客气地:例句:Andrew politely turned down the invitation.安德鲁有礼貌地拒绝了邀请。D中quickly的意思是迅速地;例句:They quickly leveled off the site.他们迅速地把工地整平了。故选A。
9.D 题意:她只需要很少的钱。
句子中minute是形容词,意思是微小的,与tiny,ultratelescopic是同义词。A中certain的意思是必然的,已确定的;例句:It’s certain that every effect must have a cause.无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。B中fair的意思是公平的,合理的;例句:He won the game fair and square.他赢得这次比赛是公平的。C中full的意思是满的,完全的;例句:He gave a boring speech full of stale jokes.他的发言很乏味,满是陈腐的笑话。D中small的意思是小的,细微的;例句:This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。故选D。
10.C 题意:把你的护照放在安全的地方。
句子中secure的意思是安全的,安心的。A中special的意思是特殊的,专门的;例句:If needed, give us your special requirements.如果需要,告诉我们您的特殊要求。B中good的意思是好的,优秀的;例句:A good video camera will cost you a lot of money.一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。C中safe的意思是安全的,保险的;例句:There is no safe landing on that coast.那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处。D中different的意思是不同的,不平常的;例句:He’s a different man from what he was 10 years ago.他和十年前不一样。故选C。
11.A 题意:他鼓励很多年轻人运动起来。
句子中inspired的意思是鼓舞,激助。A中encouraged的意思是鼓励,支持(例句:Her parents encouraged her in her studies.她的父母鼓励她好好学习。B中allowed的意思是允许;例句:You are not allowed to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。C中called的意思是叫,通电话;例句:Shortly after we arrived at that hotel,we made a call back home.我们到达旅馆不久,就马上打电话回家。D中advised的意思是建议;例句:They advised her against marrying quickly.他们劝她不要太快结婚。故选A。
12.B 题意:她接受他的研究方案了吗?
句子中proposal是名词,意思是方案,建议。A中invitation的意思是招待,邀请。例句;I appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。B中plan的意思是计划,方案;例句:Her plan is merely a castle in the sky.她的方案简直是天方夜谭。C中offer的意思是议案;例句:She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer.她双手交叉,考虑着该提议。D中view的意思是观点,视野,风景;例句:His view of life is different from yours.他的人生观与你的不同。故选B。
13.B 题意:城市中心被炸弹攻陷。
句子中wiped out的意思是歼灭,攻陷。A中covered的意思是覆盖,掩护;例句:Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。B中destroyed的意思是破坏,摧毁,消灭,歼灭;例句:We want to nurture the new project, not destroy it.我们要支持这个新工程,不要破坏它。C中reduced的意思是减少,降低;例句:We must gradually reduce the wage gap.我们要逐步缩小工资差距。D中moved的意思是移动,搬动;例句:His parents are going to move in with him.他的父母准备搬来和他住在一起。故选B。
14.A 题意:我要从账户中取500英镑。
句子中withdraw的意思是取。A中leave的意思是离开,遗弃,交托;例句:I leave the gay saloon of New York for the green glade of the country.我离开了纽约欢乐的酒店,来到乡村绿色的林间空地。B中pay的意思是付款,偿还;例句:They will pay for their arrogance! 他们会为自大付出代价!C中put的意思是放;例句:She put the grapes onto the platter.她把葡萄放到一个大盘子上。 D中draw的意思是移动,提取。例句:Can I draw $ 50 from my account? 我可以从我的账户上提取50美元吗?故选A。
15.A 题意:他对学生的蔑视是显而易见的。
句子中contempt的意思是轻视,轻蔑。A中hate的意思是仇恨,厌恶;例句:Love and hate are two extremes of feelings.爱与恨是感情的两个极端。B中need的意思是需要;例句:We are collecting money for children in need.我们在为贫困儿童募捐。C中love的意思是爱,喜欢;例句:My love for you will never die.我对你的爱将始终不渝。D中pity的意思是怜悯,同情,憾事。例句:It’s a pity that the two concerts clash; I want to go to both.可惜两场音乐会时间冲突,我都想去听。故选A。
16.B 题意:病毒只存活于动物或者植物的体内。
关键词为inside在……之内;people or animals动物或植物。
根据关键词到文中找相关句为第二段第10句Viruses are germs that can only live inside animals or plants,由此表明病毒是只能存活于动物或植物体内的致病菌。因此题干错误,故选B项。
17.B 题意:所有的细菌都会导致生病。
从常识上来讲,一般比较绝对的说法都是错误的。第二段倒数第五句Some bacteria are good明确说明,一些细菌是好的。所以选B。
18.A 题意:清洗皮肤可以避免一些疾病。
以wash为关键词到文中去寻找关键句。由第三段第二、三句Your skin is the first defense against germs. You can prevent some illnesses simply by washing, with soap and water,可知可以简单地通过用水和香皂清洗来预防一些疾病。可见题干表述是正确的。故选A。
19.A 题意:细菌可以通过眼睛进入体内。
我们以eyes作为关键字回文中找相关表述。第三段最后一句为But germs can still enter the body through small cuts in the skin or through the mouth, eyes, and nose,由此可知,细菌可以通过口眼鼻等途径进入体内。所以题干表述正确,选A。
20.C 题意:心脏有体内最强健的肌肉。
21.A 题意:杀死细菌后,抗体留在体内。
此题可以以kill, antibodies和stay这三个关键字中的任一个到文中查找到相关句为第四段倒数第三句:After a germ is destroyed, the antibodies stay in your body,由此可见题干表述正确,所以本题选A。
22.B 题意:疫苗会让你生病。
最后一段讲的是Vaccines(疫苗)的相关话题。由本段第三、四、五句Vaccines are medicines. They contain germs that have been killed or weakened. The dead germs can’t make you sick,可知疫苗是死的或者弱化的细菌,不会致病。所以题干的表述是错的。故本题选B。
23.F 第一段的第一句为主旨句:“酗酒可以被治疗了。”以此判断F项Can alcoholism be treated?(酗酒可以被治疗吗?)正确。要注意的是,C项中的cure是治愈的意思,第一段还没有提及治疗效果,所以此题不能选C。
24.A 第二段的第一句为主旨句:“治疗酗酒的用药范围很广泛。”由此可见此段主要在说medication(药物治疗),所以What medications treat alcoholism?正确。故选A。
25.D 第三段的第一句:“酗酒治疗对很多人管用。”这与D项是相呼应的,D项Does alcoholism treatment work?(酗酒治疗管用吗?)很适合来概括此段。故选D。
26.C 第三段的第一句为主旨句:“不,现在还不能完全治愈酗酒。”这就讲到治疗效果了,所以要选C项。
27.F 题意:药物治疗可以帮助一些人……。
28.D 题意:戒酒硫可以通过使嗜酒者……来不喝酒。
disulfiram是关键字,文中Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol给出了本题的答案,feel sick。故选D。
29.E 题意:酗酒治疗,没有一种药可以保证……。
第二段最后两句Though several medications help treat alcoholism,there is no “magic bullet”…。magic bullet是俚语,为灵丹妙药的意思。这说明没有一种药可以对个人酗酒药到病除,而科学家们还需开发更有效的新药。所以此题选E。
30.B 题意:治愈酗酒的关键是避免……。
文章最后一句给出了治疗酗酒的关键:To guard against it, an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks不再接触酒精饮料是戒酒的关键。所以此题选B.
31.A 题意:本文的大意是……?
通读全文,主要讲述基因工程始于人们对DNA的了解,而对DNA的认知使人们可以改变正常的人体细胞繁殖,并取得相应的应用。文中第一段中也有相应的表述:An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction,所以A选项的“改变细胞的效果”比较适合。故选A。
32. A 题意:基因工程应该被定义为……。
关于基因工程(genetic engineering)的定义,与点明全文主旨的相关句是同一个句子:An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction所以基因工程的中心就是改变正常的人体细胞繁殖(the altering of normal cell reproduction)。所以本题选A。
33.B 题意:根据文章,干扰素……。
题干的关键字human interferon,回原文通查,第三段主要讲述干扰素,根据Human interferon—a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease可知,干扰素可以治疗一些癌症和由病毒感染引起的疾病。因此答案为B。
34.B 题意:本文中,三种基因工程药物产品的列举是……。
35.C 题意:最后一段,单词“weighted”和以下哪个意思最接近?
先在最后一段找到含weighted的句子Advances in genetic engineering have continued, though they constantly must be weighed against the safety of procedures这句话的意思是:基因工程的研究仍在不断取得进展,尽管他们经常必须对程序的安全性更加重视。weighted在这里的意思是“重视”。A项“影响重大”,B项“成为负担”,C项“谨慎考虑”,D项“精准测量”。可见C项符合题意,因此选C。
36.D 题意:最初住在波多黎各的是什么人?
第一段第三句before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico说明,在移民进入之前,泰诺人住在波多黎各。所以D项是对的。
37.D 题意:在第一段中单词“it”指的是什么?
在第一段中找到it所在的句子为Immigration to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it从此句可以看出,it指代的是上半句的cuisine(菜肴)。所以选D。
38.C 题意:第二段主要讲的是什么?
第二段最后一句是对全段的总结:much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous…was actually imported by foreigners to the island可见波多黎各菜肴是受众多外国移民的影响。所以C项是正确的。
39.B 题意:Sofrito是用来做什么的?
到文中最后一段找到关于sofrito的叙述,本段末两句As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce…,可知sofrito是波多黎各菜肴的基本材料,是一种浇在其它菜上的酱。所以B项It is added to other dishes是对的,故选B。
40.A 题意:下列哪个是不正确的?
四个选项都是围绕着辣的话题,这些在最后一段都能找到答案。由本段第三句However, milder tastes are popular too, such as sofrito,可知sofrito是微辣的,但A项中说sofrito是极辣的,显然不正确,故选A。
41.A 题意:美国家长试图让他们的子女……。
作者以美国家长常说的一句话开篇:“吃光盘子里的食物。”然后解释这样说的目的是为了不浪费食物,因为非洲还有很多吃不上饭的孤儿。读懂了第一段答案就显而易见了,美国家长试图让他们的子女吃饭时不要浪费食物(not to waste food at meals)。B项是作者一种幽默的写作方法,全文是围统饮食过度来写的,并没有写粮食问题。
42.B 题意:美国餐馆提供大份食物是因为美国人……。
此题在文中第二段倒数第二句有明确说明:Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that美国人传统上是以量来衡量价值,所以对于提供大份食物,餐馆是何乐而不为呢?所以本题的答案是B。
43.D 题意:自20世纪70年代开始美国发生了什么?
本题的相关句在第三段restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand自从20世纪70年代餐馆提供的份量增大后,美国人的腰围也涨了起来(waistline began to expand.)。所以本题的答案是D。
44.C 题意:调查显示了什么?
第四段在讲述杂志的调查,四个选项中,A项20%的美国人希望餐馆减量。应为20%的人对减量持反对意见,所以A错。B项57%的美国人每年赚15万美元。57%这个百分比和15万年薪是对不上的.所以B错。C项“低收入人群喜欢大份食物”,本段倒数第二句the survey indicates that many Americans who can’t afford fine dining still prefer large portions说明了本调查显示去不起高档餐厅吃饭的人更中意大份食物,所以C项正确。D项错的原因和B—样,两个数据对不上。所以本题选C。
45.B 题意:关于美国工人阶级,下列哪个说法是错误的?
根据最后一段最后一句中happy to save a little money可见工人阶级也是有存钱习惯的。所以B项说法错误,故选B。
46.C 句意:但你不是在农村地区。
47.D 句意:树木吸收空气中的污染物。
48.B 句意:在炎热的国家,城市森林为人们散步和做其它有益于健康的活动提供阴凉。
在表达方式上,B项承接了前一句In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend lime in nature,这两个是并列句。
49.E 句意:在2033年,将有5百万棵树。
前面几句有几个关键词:now 1. 3 million trees, has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E项比较合适。
50.A 句意:人们在有树的购物中心待的时间更长。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A项正合其意。
51.C 句意:这些卡路里使你的心……。
52.D 句意:保持你的内脏工作……。
53.A 句意:人……了是因为吃多了。
备选项中gain与weight搭配组成词组正是长胖了的意思。bring和take不与weight直接搭配。carry weight的意思是重要,与题意不符。所以本题选A。
54.B 句意:减肥的唯一方法就是……你每天摄入的卡路里。
55.A 句意:这是节食背后最基本的……。
四个选项的意思分别为A项“原理”; B项“形式”;C项“方法”;D项“种类”。根据句意选A合适。
56.A 句意:不幸的是,节食对很多人都不……。
Don’t work for sb.表示对某人不起作用。根据后文也知道此处选work比较合适。此外题目给的一些备选项是及物动词,也可以作为排除的标准。
57.C 句意:他们减肥了然后……体重回升。
前文一直在用on diet这个词组,表示控制饮食,此处讲体重回升肯定要选和on diet相反意思,on与off是一对反义词,go off the diet表示“停止节食”。故选C。
58.D 句意:制定合理的饮食和运动计划是……体重的关键。
此题还是考察和weight的词语搭配。get不和weight搭配,meet和support是够重、承受重量的意思,maintain weight是保持体重的意思,可见选D正确。
59.D 句意:你需要知道你每天需要多少卡路里以及你……摄入了多少卡路里。
60.C 句意:下一步就是要增大运动量,这样你可以……你每日所消耗的卡路里。
61.D 句意:运动表能显示不同……的运动会消耗多少卡路里。
此处很明显要填入表示“形式”的单词,所以BC选项不适合。ways表示方式,forms表示形式。 form更强调客观物质的形式,方式,格式,例如:Ice,snow and steam are different forms of water.(冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。) way则强调事情解决的方法,form则不可以用来作为事情解决方法。例如: They are trying to find a way of settling the dispute.(他们正设法寻找解决争端的办法。)所以此处选forms,故D项正确。
62.C 句意:每日消耗250卡路里和每日消耗500卡路里可有很大不同。
此处主要考察和difference的搭配。make a difference是固定搭配,所以此处选C。
63.B 句意:你可以走楼梯来代替坐电梯。
64.A 句意:寻找一个运动……。
从后面的Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to.可以看到此处要选的是同伴,所以选A。colleague —般表示同事,用于此处显然不适合。
65.A 句意:……的衣服会提醒你的目标。

  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • priorityn. 优先权,优先顺序,优先
  • defensen. 防卫,防卫物,辩护 vt. 防守
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • clashn. 冲突,撞击声,抵触 vt. 冲突,抵触,使 ...
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • hormonen. 荷尔蒙,激素
  • bacteriumn. 细菌