美国小学英语教材5:第397课 帕特圣诞老人的惊险旅程(6)
日期:2020-09-10 16:36



The preparations had taken place in the lee of the tent, but the fisherman now pushed the sled out into the wind and gave it as good a start as his strength would permit. For a moment it seemed as if the scheme would prove a failure. The sled seemed to lose speed, rather than gain it, although the sail bellied out with a force that almost jerked Pat from his seat on the pig. But slowly the sled responded to the force of the wind, and the strain on Pat’s arms gradually lessened. “Oho!” he cried happily. “Sailin’ is a fine sport when ye get goin’. ’Tis restin’ to the legs, anyhow.”




Presently, however, he became nervous. His speed was steadily increasing, and he found that the slightest move on his part made the sled swerve a little. Once or twice he almost lost his balance, and only by experimenting could he adjust himself properly. He saw Marion Island looming up ahead of him in the moonlight, and this gave him another fright. “If I hit it, goin’ like this,” he exclaimed, “I’ll take it along or leave the sled behind and go sailin’ over it like a bird! And I can’t stop! Oho! I got the fiyin’- machine now, and no brake on it!” His only hope of avoiding the island was to change his course slightly, which was no easy matter. And to which side should he go? It would be easier to take the east passage, but two or three miles beyond, on that side, Neahtawanta jutted out from the peninsula. He would have to swerve to the east for the island and to the west for Neahtawanta. Unquestionably it would be better to go to the west of both—if possible.
