美国小学英语教材5:第334课 阿拉丁与神灯(15)
日期:2020-05-06 11:08



After the feast the judge drew up a marriage contract between Aladdin and the beautiful Princess. As soon as this was done, the Sultan asked Aladdin if he wished to remain in the palace and have the marriage take place that day. “Sire,” he replied, “however impatient I may be to have entire possession of all your majesty’s bounties, I beg you to permit me to wait until I shall have built a palace worthy to receive the Princess in; and for this purpose I request that you will have the goodness to point out a place for it near your own.”
“My son,” answered the Sultan, “take the open space before my palace; but remember that, to have my happiness complete, thou canst not too soon be united to my daughter.” Having said this, he again embraced Aladdin, who now took leave of the Sultan as if he had spent all his life at court.
“我的孩子,”苏丹回答道,“就在我宫殿前的空地吧;不过你得记住,要使我的要求完全实现,你是不可能很快就跟我的女儿结合的vL9&a)Au#&u]。” 说完,他又拥抱了阿拉丁,阿拉丁向苏丹告别,好像他一生都在宫廷里度过似的-jijfBEo#eX~5gY




As soon as Aladdin reached home, he again summoned the genie and commanded him to build instantly the most gorgeous palace ever seen, on the spot of ground given by the Sultan. Early the next morning the genie appeared. “Sir,” said he, “your palace is finished; see if it is as you wish.”
Words cannot tell how astonished the Sultan and all his household were at seeing this gorgeous palace shining in the place which only the day before had been empty and bare. The Princess, too, rejoiced much at the sight. Her marriage with Aladdin was held the same day, and their happiness was the greatest that heart could wish. For some months they lived thus, Aladdin showing great kindness to the poor, and pleasing all by his generosity.
