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日期:2011-12-27 16:42


To drink in small quantities.
To drink from in sips.
To drink something in sips.
The act of sipping.
A small quantity of liquid sipped.
n. 抿;小口喝
vi. 啜饮

take a sip 尝一口;小啜;喝一小口

She took another sip of her tea.

sup what's up supper asl age sex location
to take (liquid food, or any liquid) into the mouth in small quantities, as from a spoon or cup; sip.
to take liquid into the mouth in small quantities, as by spoonfuls or sips.
A small swallow or mouthful of liquid food; a sip.
To eat an evening meal; have supper
a mouthful or small portion of drink or liquid food; sip
vt. 招待…吃晚饭;呷,啜
vi. 啜饮;吃晚饭
n. 一口,少量

Let't sup out tonight.
He supped a mouthful of coffee then told me that she couldn't come for nuts.


[Date: 1900-2000; Origin: Probably from soup 'drug given to a horse to make it run faster' (1900-2000), from SOUP1]

A liquid food prepared from meat, fish, or vegetable stock combined with various other ingredients and often containing solid pieces.
A liquid rich in organic compounds and providing favorable conditions for the emergence and growth of life forms: primordial soup.
Slang. Something having the appearance or a consistency suggestive of soup, especially: Dense fog. Nitroglycerine.
A chaotic or unfortunate situation.
n. 汤,羹;马力
vt. 使如汤般浓稠;加速;增加马力;给…增加活力,使变得更生动

soup up 【俚语】
To modify (something) so as to increase its capacity to perform or satisfy, especially to add horsepower or greater speed potential to (an engine or a vehicle):
in the soup【俚语】
Having difficulties; in trouble.

After a heavy rain, the country roads were souped.
His witticisms souped up the talks.

sop milksop懦弱的人

[OE] The word sop originally denoted a ‘piece of bread, cake, etc dipped into water, milk, wine, or similar liquid’. The modern metaphorical meaning ‘something given to gain favour, bribe’ did not emerge until the mid-17th century, in allusion to the piece of bread soaked in enticing honey but spiked with a soporific drug that was given to the guard dog Cerberus to put him to sleep so that Aeneas(埃涅阿斯或伊尼亚斯)could visit the Underworld. The word goes back ultimately to the same prehistoric Germanic base (*sup-) that produced English sip and sup ‘drink’, and also, via the Romance languages, soup and supper. The corresponding verb sop ‘dip in liquid’ now survives only in the present participial form sopping ‘soaking wet’ [19].

To dip, soak, or drench in a liquid; saturate.
To take up by absorption
A piece of food soaked or dipped in a liquid.
Something yielded to placate or soothe. A bribe
n. 面包片;湿透的东西;小贿赂
vt. 吸水;浸湿;贿赂
vi. 湿透;渗透

He sopped up the ink with chalk.

  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • soporificadj. 催眠的,想睡的 n. 催眠剂
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • soothev. 缓和,使 ... 安静,安慰
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • metaphoricaladj. 隐喻性的,比喻性的
  • enticingadj. 迷人的;引诱的 v. 引诱;诱骗(entice
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • organicadj. 器官的,有机的,根本的,接近自然的 n. 有机
  • drenchn. 浸湿,有毒药剂 vt. 灌药,湿透,过分沉溺