权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:丹妮莉丝带领族人求生(17)
日期:2017-02-17 08:09


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:逃亡的艾莉亚

You'll have your gold when we take the treasury at King's Landing.
当我们夺下君临的国库 你就可以取走你的酬劳
All these kings fighting for the throne, and this Stannis has the smallest army.
在所有争夺铁王座的国王中 史坦尼斯的军队最微不足道
Why would I bet on the man with the worst chance?
Because you're a smart gambler. Stannis has proved himself in war twice. His baby brother has never set foot on a battlefield.
因为你是个精明的赌徒 史坦尼斯曾两次在战争中证明自己 而他那小弟弟甚至都没上过战场
Neither has the false King Joffrey.
当然 僭王乔佛里也没有
And yet they both have larger armies.
那又如何 他们都拥有庞大的军队
Stannis has just begun the fight. His Bannermen will rally to his cause.
史坦尼斯才刚开始集结军队 他的封臣已经准备好响应号召
There's no man in the Seven Kingdoms more honorable than Stannis Baratheon or more worthy of loyalty.
七国上下 没人比史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩更有荣誉 也没人比他更值得效忠
What is the world coming to when smugglers must vouch for the honor of kings?
这世界究竟怎么了 竟需要走私贩来担保国王的荣誉?
Mind your words, pirate. Matthos.
注意你的言辞 海盗 马索斯
You think I'm insulted?
I am a pirate.I'm an excellent pirate. I don't sail for promises.
我就是个海盗 而且还是个优秀的海盗 我不会为了空口许诺而出航
Of course you do. Every time you leave harbor,you're leaving on a promise—
你会的 每次你离开港口 你都是为了一个承诺
a promise that somewhere on the sea, somebody's got some gold and you can take it from him.
大海会给你承诺 大海中总有人在某处揣着金子等你去抢
That's a promise that always comes true.
As is mine. You're not a young man,Salladhor. And correct me if I'm wrong—most pirates don't grow old.
我的承诺也是如此萨拉多 你阅历丰富 如果我说错了 还请你指出 大多数的海盗从不成长
Only the clever ones.
You want to spend your last few years on the sea stealing from Pentoshi cheesemongers and Meereenese silk merchants? Then go.They're out there waiting for you. That's easy. What I'm offering you is hard. Come with me and plunder the greatest city in Westeros. You'll be the richest man in Lys and the most famous. They'll be singing songs about you as long as men have voices to sing.
你想把你海盗生涯的最后几年耗在抢潘托斯乳酪商和弥林丝绸贩子这些事上? 那就走吧 他们在海上等着你 那都是便宜的营生 而我向你提议的可不简单 跟我来 去劫掠维斯特洛最大的城市 你会成为全里斯最出名最富有的人 你的光辉事迹会被人们世代传颂
"Salladhor Saan" is a good name for songs.
It is.
One thing—I want the queen.
有个条件 我要太后
The queen?
Cersei—I want her. I'll sail with your fleet,all 30 of my ships. And if we don't drown at the bottom of Blackwater Bay, I will fuck this blonde queen and I'll fuck her well.
瑟曦 我想要她 我所有的三十艘船会跟着你的舰队出发 如果它们没有沉进黑水湾的话 我可要好好地操那个金发太后 狠狠地操
This war isn't about you. We're not attacking King's Landing so that you can rape the queen.
这场战争不是为了你 我们打君临城不是为了让你强奸太后的
I'm not going to rape her.I'm going to fuck her.
谁说要去强奸她了 我要去操她
As if she would just let you.
You don't know how persuasive I am. I've never tried to fuck you.
在这种事情上我可是自有一套哟 你要不要来试试呢
Stannis is the rightful king and the Lord of Light, the one true God
史坦尼斯是唯一合法的国王 而光之王是唯一的真神
I've been all over the world, my boy, and everywhere I go,people tell me about the true Gods. They all think they found the right one. The one true God is what's between a woman's legs, and better yet,a queen's legs.
小子 我曾经行遍世界各地 任何我到过的地方 人们都告诉我真神的故事 他们都以为自己找到了对的那个 但世上唯一的真神是女人两腿间的那个玩意儿 太后两腿间的那个更真一些
I never thought you'd have a true believer for a son.
Eh, he's young yet.
呃 他还年轻

  • harborn. 海港,避难所 vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏 vi. 进
  • treasuryn. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债
  • plunderv. 掠夺,抢劫,抢夺 n. 抢夺,掠夺品,战利品
  • honorableadj. 光荣的,可敬的,尊敬的 =honourable
  • loyaltyn. 忠诚,忠心
  • gamblern. 赌徒
  • piraten. 海盗,盗印者,侵犯专利权者 v. 侵犯版权,翻印,
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • thronen. 王座,君主
  • persuasiveadj. 有说服力的,令人信服的