权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:逃亡的艾莉亚(50)
日期:2016-12-20 14:55


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第二季:逃亡的艾莉亚

I've brought you a proposal from Robb Stark. Who gave you those clothes? Was it Ned Stark's pleasure to make you his daughter?

我为你带来了罗柏.史塔克的提议谁教你穿成这样?奈德.史塔克喜欢你穿成这样 好当他的乖女儿?

If my clothes offend you, I will change them. You will. That bauble' round your neck

如果你不喜欢我的衣服 我换就是非换不可你脖子上带的东西

Did you pay the iron price for it or the gold? I asked a question. Did you pull it from the neck of a corpse you made


Or did you buy it to match your fine clothes? Iron or gold? Gold.

还是花钱买来配你这身美丽衣服的?铁钱 还是 金子?是金子

I'll not have my son dressed as a whore. My fears have come true the Starks have made you theirs.


My blood is salt and iron. Yet the Stark boy sends you to me like a trained raven clutching his message. The offer he makes is one I proposed.

我仍是盐与铁的血脉是吗 史塔克家的小子不是把你当成训练有素的信鸦让你乖乖替他送信了吗 他开的条件是我提议的他需要你的忠告?

He heeds your counsel? I've lived with him, hunted with him, fought at his side.

我和他一起生活 一起打猎 并肩作战

He thinks of me as a brother. No, not here, not in my hearing. You will not name him brother,


This son of the man who put your true brothers to the sword. Or have you forgotten your own blood? I forget nothing.

