美剧《摩登家庭》第1季第14集精讲 第8期:目击证人
日期:2015-07-20 16:33



I was driving along this street.
The cars were parked just like this.
And boom, out of nowhere, he hits me.
然后 嘭的一下 他就突然撞到我了
-Okay, so, he-he cut you off? -Yes.
-所以是他撞的你 -对
-Right. -A crazy driver.
-哦 -疯司机
You know, I used to be a little bit like that.
其实 我以前也像那样
I don't know, maybe it's because of Lily,
现在也许是因为莉莉吧 我也不知道
but I've definitely become more considerate.
我开车会更加小心 顾及他人
Like, I used to never let people in, and now I do.
我以前都不让别人"插"在我前面 现在会了
Just now getting that metaphor. Okay.
我终于懂那个隐喻[插]的意思了 好吧
-So, what do you think? -Were there any witnesses?
-你有何高见 -有目击证人吗
No, just Manny. He was in the back seat.
没 只有曼尼 他当时在后座
-Okay. -It all happened so fast--Just like they say.
-哦 -发生得太突然了 眨眼间啊
Yeah. All right. Well, this is what we're gonna do.
好吧 行 接下来我们这样
I'll take a few pictures,
and then we'll sit down and write a statement.
Perfect. I'll go and get us a table.
真好 我去占个桌子
-All right. -Manny, come.
-行 -曼尼 你也来
-Uh, just a minute, Mom. I need to tie my shoe. -Okay.
-稍等 老妈 我鞋带散了 -好的
-Mitchell. -Yeah?
-米奇尔 -什么
Don't talk. Listen. It was her fault.
别说话 听就好 责任在她
-I'm sorry. What? -Don't look at me.
-什么 我没听清 -别看着我
Do something. Take pictures.
别傻愣着 照相啊
Manny! What kind of cupcake do you want?
曼尼 你想要什么味道的蛋糕
Um, that's okay. I'm not hungry.
不用了 我不饿
That was a mistake. Now she'II know something's up.
失误了 她现在肯定起疑心了
-Are you okay? -I'm fine.
-你没事吧 -没事


You know, I used to be a little bit like that.我以前也像那样

used to过去常常

I weigh less than I used to.


He is used to eating out all the time.


I don't know, maybe it's because of Lily,现在也许是因为莉莉吧,我也不知道

because of 因为; 由于

I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.


We win the game because of his participation.


then we'll sit down and write a statement.然后坐下来起草一份声明

sit down坐下

Move your stern, I want to sit down.

