日期:2011-11-11 08:53


影音口语 可可英语的网友们大家好,欢迎您继续跟随Rose一起听电影,学口语。今天我们将要听到的求婚桥段出自电影《爱情,婚礼,婚姻》。电影中的女主角Ava在众多朋友家人眼中是最最幸福的女人。她有幸福的家庭和令人羡慕的工作,有美丽的容貌善良乐观的性格,有甜美的爱情和浪漫的婚姻,然而,尚未从新婚幸福的沉浸中走出的艾娃,却突然得知了心目中一向恩爱的父母竟闹出了感情危机。与此同时,她与新婚丈夫查理以及无话不谈的密友间也相继出现了各种各样的情感小危机。在处理这些危机的过程中,Ava更加明白生活的真谛,更加珍惜所拥有的一切。恩,不过我们即将听到的这一段里却没有Ava的声音,而是她的男友Charlie紧张的手持录像机,偷偷录制求婚词。听听吧。

Ava, we've been dating for two and a half years, and what I'm about to say,
I've considered very seriously.
I sound like a lawyer.
I look in your eyes, and I drown in them.
Drown in them?
Babe, you know I'm bad with telling you how I feel.
Will you be my wife? Will you marry me?
Can we get married? Ava.
You can do this.
It's, like, the little things that I really love.
I find it so adorable that you can't make a decision without consulting your horoscope.
I love that you watch the same sad movie over and over again, hoping for a happy ending.
I love how you make your coffee.
I love you, Ava, and I don't want to spend another day without knowing if you'll be my wife.
So will you do me this honor? Will you marry me?

Ava和Charlie已经约会了两年半,终于Charlie认为时机成熟应当求婚了。但是面对深爱的女友,在那么重要的时刻难免会结结巴巴,语无伦次。表白一开始,Chailie就强调说,what I’m about to say I 've considered very seriously. 我将要说的一切都是经过深思熟虑的。这个be about to do 是表将来的一个表达法之一。例如:She was about to dish up when some guests came. 她刚要上菜开饭,这时来了一些客人。As she was about to speak, I frowned her down. 她刚要开口,我就皱皱眉示意她别出声。

第一句话过于严肃,下一句就诗意的很了。每当我看着你的眼睛,都会drown in them. Drown 溺水,淹没。这里可以理解为沉溺于其中。再比如:Such love will drown him in suffocation, pain and despair . 这样的爱会让人窒息,让人痛苦,让人绝望的。

男主角平时be bad with telling how he feels。Be bad with doing something相当于not good at doing something. 不善于做某事。因为不善于,所以在说了drown in your eyes这样的话后自己都有些受不了了。

在Charlie眼中,或者说,在热恋的人眼中,对方的一切都是美好的。如同这个片段中所说:I find it so adorable that you can't make a decision without consulting your horoscope. 不查自己的星座运程就没法做决定。I love that you watch the same sad movie over and over again, hoping for a happy ending. Over and over一遍一遍,反复看同一部悲剧,希望结果可能会变好。I love how you make your coffee. 喜欢她做咖啡的样子。I don't want to spend another day without knowing if you'll be my wife. 希望今后的每一天都有她在。这句话用了双重否定,don’t want和without。不管在英语还是汉语中,使用双重否定的目的都在于加强语气,表达强烈的感情色彩,很多习语中会使用。再比如:You can’t make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。What’s done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。It is never too late to learn. Too...to为否定表达,加上never,构成双重否定。意思是“活到老,学到老” 。 

最后,Charlie以will you do me this honor?Will you marry me? 结束。Do somebody a favor,帮某人个忙,给某人这份荣幸。再比如:You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you 'll survive . 妳一定要让我能有这个荣幸,妳一定要向我保证你会好好活下去。

在经历了一番打打闹闹,离合哭笑的感情纠缠与生活琐碎的考验之后,一家老老小小、两对爱人的情感生活终于回到正常的轨迹。This is life, and life is always sweet but hard. 珍惜眼前,认真生活,让我们相约下期影音时尚口语。


Ava, we've been dating for 21/2 years, and what I'm about to say, I've considered very seriously. 伊娃,我们已经约会两年半了。我将要说的一切都是经过深思熟虑的。
I sound like a lawyer. (这么说话)让我听起来向个律师。
I look in your eyes, and I drown in them. 每当我看着你的眼睛,就会沉醉其中。
Drown in them? 沉醉其中?
Babe, you know I'm bad with telling you how I feel. 宝贝,你知道我不擅长表达自己的感受。
Will you be my wife? Will you marry me? Can we get married? Ava. 你可以做我的妻子吗?你可以嫁给我吗?我们可以结婚吗,伊娃?
You can do this.
It's, like, the little things that I really love.
I find it so adorable that you can't make a decision without consulting your horoscope.
I love that you watch the same sad movie over and over again, hoping for a happy ending.
I love how you make your coffee.
I love you, Ava, and I don't want to spend another day without knowing if you'll be my wife.
So will you do me this honor? Will you marry me?

  • survivevt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过 vi.
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • despairn. 绝望,失望 vi. 失望