日期:2009-06-18 13:10





  F: I can't do this, Sam.

  S: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you don't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
  But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. These were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something evne if you were too small to understand.
  But I think, Mr. Frodo. I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turing back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

  F: What are we holding on to, Sam?

  S: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fight for.



  当Frodo说他不能完成这个任务的时候,Sam并没有马上接口说,你能行。他肯定了Frodo的想法,他说,整件事情本身就是个错误,按理,我们根本就不该在这里。副词短语by rights表示的是,正当地,应该地。
  但是,Sam话锋一转,虽然没有允诺一个必定幸福的结局,但所有不快终将过去(a passing thing),阳光终将照耀,即使我们太渺小、还不能完全理解这些已经发生或即将发生的事情。句型too…to就是“太……而不能……”。
  但是,Sam接着说,故事里的人们不是没有机会退缩的,他们有许多机会可以走回头路(chance of turning back),只是他们没有。他们仍在继续前进(keep doing,继续不断地做某事)。因为,他们在坚持着什么。词组hold on to表示的就是,继续,坚持。
  我们在坚持什么呢?Frodo问Sam,什么事是我们需要忍受如此艰辛去坚持的呢?答案就是——这世上毕竟是有些美好的东西、美好的感情、美好的事物的,它们值得我们为之战斗(there's some good in this world and it's worth fight for)。

  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪