日期:2009-05-25 10:16





摘自轻喜剧影片《律政悄佳人II》(Legally BlondeII)中Woods演讲的一段。——为了给自己心爱的小狗Bruiser争取权利,身为律师的女主人公Elle Woods只身来到华盛顿。国会里,穿着时尚的金发美女站在黑压压的一群西服革履的议员面前,没有政治家贯有的高谈阔论,只是以自己失败的新发型为例,告诉人们要热心公益、要主动投身于改变自身政治处境的行动中。


Elle: I came to Washington to help my dog Bruiser...and somewhere around the way...I learned a really unexpected lesson. I know what you are thinking---Who's this girl? And what could this simple, small-town girl from Bel Air...have to say to all of us? I'll tell you. It's about something that's bigger than me...or any single act of legislation. This is about a matter that should be at...the highest importance to every American...My hair.

There's this salon in Beverly Hills. It's really fancy and beautiful. It's impossible to get an appointment. Unless you're Julia Roberts or from "Friends"...You can just forget it. But one day they called me. They had an opening. So I was going to finally get the chance...to sit in one of those sacred beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist...gave me Brassy Brigitte instead of Harlow Honey. The shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution...instead of color-intensive moisturizing shampoo. Finally stylist...gave me a bob...with bangs. Suffice to say, it was just wrong. All wrong. For me, you know.

First I was angry. Then I realized my anger was completely misdirected. This wasn't salon's fault. I had sat there and witnessed this injustice...and had let it happen. I didn't get involved in the process. I forgot to use my voice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know that one honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice...or if we let those who speak on our behalf...compromise our voice, then this country...this country is in for a really bad haircut. So speak up, America. Speak up! Speak up for the home of the brave. Speak up for the land of the free gift with purchase. Speak up, America. Speak up! And remember...you're beautiful. Thank you.



Woods是说,这个她梦寐以求的美容店平时是预约不上的(appointment 预订),在终于给了她享受服务一次机会(opening 空缺)后,却把她的发型整得很糟糕:不是她想要的颜色,没有用她希望的洗发香波,最后还把浓密的长发剪得很短。她在气愤之余认识到,这不是美容店的错,是因为自己没有参与其中,只作为旁观者任由别人摆布。她借此发出感言,人们应该大胆而诚实地表达自己的意愿,不要让它打折扣(compromise使妥协),要大声说出来(speak up)。否则,这个国家就会像她剪了个失败的头型一样遭受不幸(be in for要遭到)。

影片中出现的“Beauty Salon”是一个美容、美发、美甲的场所。对白中与理发相关的词还有:colorist(n.染发工)、stylist(n.发型设计师)、shampoo(n.洗发,洗发水)、spiral(a.螺旋型的,盘旋的)、perm(n.电烫,烫发)、haircut(n.剪发的方式)、moisturize(v.使增加水分,变潮湿,补水)、bob(n.短发)、bangs(n.刘海)是要特别记忆的。

  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • spiraln. 旋涡,螺旋形之物 adj. 螺旋形的,盘旋的 v.
  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • sacredadj. 神圣的,受尊重的
  • legislationn. 立法,法律
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液
  • compromisen. 妥协,折衷,折衷案 vt. 妥协处理,危害 vi.
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的
  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • sufficevi. 足够,合格 vt. 使 ... 足够