TPO:艾尚托福阅读 第十六期 TPO22-2
日期:2018-06-08 14:30





今天我们讲解托福TPO22-2 (7-12) The Birth of Photograph 的第7题到第12题需要重点记忆的单词

7. The word “reluctant” in the passage is closest in meaning to

Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.

reluctant adj. 不情愿的;勉强的 (CET4)reluctance n.
in case conj. 万一;假使
compromise v. 妥协; 折衷;危害 (CET4)
standing n. 站立;持续;身份;adj.长期的;固定的

Even those artists [who were most dependent on photography] became reluctant to admit [that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing] .即使是那些对于摄影术最为依赖的艺术家也不愿意承认他们使用过摄影术,害怕这会危害到他们的专业地位。


A选项:unable adj. 不能够的
B选项:embarrassed adj. 尴尬的 (高中)embarrass n.
C选项:unlikely adj. 不可能的
D选项:unwilling adj. 不情愿的;不乐意的

8. Which of the sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?
the highlighted sentence:
Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor.

prolific adj. 多产的;丰富的 (托福)
in the sense 就…意义而言
multitude n. 多数;大量 (CET6)a multitude of 大量
destined adj. 注定的;命定的 (CET6)destiny n.
successor n. 继承者;后续的事物 (CET6)

the highlighted sentence:

Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense [that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply], it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor.因为媒介很丰富;从这种意义上来说就有可能很廉价地获得大量影像,因此摄影术很快就被当做廉价地艺术品,而不是艺术的继承。

Photograph was not considered a true art because people could use it to create many images cheaply.

9. The word “unanticipated” in the passage is closest in meaning to


The rapid technical development of photography—……—had some unanticipated consequences.摄影技术的迅速发展产生了一些意料之外的结果。

重点单词:technical adj. 工艺的;技术的 (高中)
unanticipated adj. 不曾预料的;意料之外的 (CET6)anticipate anticipation
consequence n.结果;影响 (高中)

A选项:indirect adj. 间接的
B选项:not expected 意料之外的
C选项:unquestionable adj. 毫无疑问的
D选项:beneficial adj. 有益的

10. The word “accidental” in the passage is closest in meaning to

The accidental effects <obtained by candid photographers> were soon being copied by artists <such as French painter Degas>.这些率直的摄影师获得的一个意外的结果是很多其它的艺术家也开始接受摄影术,比如法国的画家Degas.

重点单词:accidental adj. 意外的;偶然的 (CET4)
candid adj. 公正的;坦白的;率直的 (托福)

A选项:surprising adj. 令人吃惊的
B选项:unintentional adj. 无意的;非故意的 (CET4)intentional adj. intention n.
C选项:realistic adj. 现实的;逼真的
D选项:unusual adj. 不同寻常的

11. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 8 as a benefit [that artists <derived from photography>]?艺术家能够从摄影术获得的好处是什么?
题干单词:derive v. 源于;获得

thanks to the radical cropping(trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, it suggested new compositional formats.

thanks to 由于;幸亏
radical adj. 激进的;根本的;彻底的
cropping n. 剪裁 (托福)crop v.
trimming n. 裁剪 (托福)trim v.
impose v. 利用;施加影响
compositional adj. 组成的;创作的;作曲的 (CET6)compose v. composition n.
format n. 形式;版式 (高中)

thanks to the radical cropping(trimming) of images [that the camera often imposed], it suggested new compositional formats.还要感谢相机对影像进行的彻底剪裁(裁剪),它提供了新的创作版式。

It motivated(v. 激励;鼓励) artists to think about new ways to compose images in their paintings.摄影术激发艺术家去想新的创作绘画的方法。

12. It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that one effect that photography had on painting was that it 摄影术对绘画的产生的一个影响是什么?

The rapid technical development of photography—……—had some unanticipated consequences.Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Edward Muybridge (1830-1904) and Etiennejules Marey (1830-1904) demonstrated that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art.

demonstrate v. 证明;展示 ;论证 (CET4)demonstration n.
represent v. 代表;表现;描绘 (高中)

The rapid technical development of photography—……—had some unanticipated consequences.Scientific experiments <made by photographers such as Edward Muybridge (1830-1904) and Etiennejules Marey (1830-1904)> demonstrated [that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way [they had been traditionally represented in art.]]摄影技术的迅速发展产生了一些意料之外的结果。例如Edward Muybridge (1830-1904) 和 Etiennejules Marey (1830-1904)> 进行的科学实验证明了人类和动物的运动与我们在传统艺术中的表现有很大的差别。

正确选项:provide painters with new insights(n. 洞见;想法;观点) into how humans and animals actually move.给艺术家提高了关于人类,动物实际如何运动的新的想法。

