TPO:艾尚托福阅读 第十五期 TPO22-2
日期:2018-06-06 16:30





今天我们讲解托福TPO22-2 (1-6) The Birth of Photograph 的第1题到第6题需要重点记忆的单词

1. What can be inferred from paragraphs 1 and 2 about the effect of photograph on nineteenth century painting? 摄影术对十九世纪绘画的影响是什么?


The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- and late-ninetieth century were all intently aware of photograph—as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.

realistic adj. 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的 (CET4)
naturalistic adj. 自然的;自然主义的;(CET4)
intently adv. 密切地;专心地;一心一意地 (CET6)
be aware of 意识到;知道
react v. 反应;影响;reaction n.

定位原文:The realistic and naturalistic painters <of the mid- and late-ninetieth century> were all intently aware of photograph—as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.十九世纪中期和晚期的现实主义和自然主义画家密切地关注摄影术,将它看作可以使用,学习和反应的对象。

正确选项:Painters [who were concerned with realistic or naturalistic representation] were particularly influenced by photograph. 用现实主义和自然主义表达的画家尤其受到摄影术的影响

重点单词:be concerned with 参与;从事;关心
representation n. 代表;表现; represent v.

2. According to paragraph 2 and 3, which of the following did the daguerreotype and the calotype have in common?daguerreotype 和 calotype有什么共同之处?

重点单词:have sth in common 有…共同之处


原文1: What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre,….His discovery, the “daguerreotype”, was announced in 1839.

原文2: Talbot’s “calotype” was first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph(permanent image).

image n. 影像;图像;(CET4)imagery n. 意象;形象化
permanent adj. 永久的;永恒的 (CET6)
announce v. 宣布;述说;预示(高中)
negative adj. 消极的;负的;阴性的 (CET4)
positive adj. 积极的;正的,阳性的 (CET4)
ancestor n. 祖先 (CET4)


原文1: What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre,….His discovery, the “daguerreotype”, was announced in 1839.却少的是将这些影像永久保存下来的方式,Louis Daguerre最终做到了这一点,他发明了“daguerreotype”,并在1839年将这项发明公诸于世。

原文2: Talbot’s “calotype” was first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph(permanent image).Talbot的 “calotype”是一种用负片洗正片的方法,这种方法是现在照片的直接鼻祖(永久影像)

正确答案:They produced a permanent image.

3. The word “duplicated” in the passage is closest in meaning to


The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated.

unique adj. 独特的;唯一的 (高中)
lens n. 镜头
minute n. 分钟;(初中)adj. 微小的;详细的 (托福)
unselective adj. 不加以选择的 (高中)
detail n. 细节;详情 (CET4)
duplicate v. 复制;重复 (CET6)


The daguerreotype was a unique image [that reproduced [what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail]] and could not be duplicated.“daguerreotype”照相法能得到一张唯一独特的影像,这种影像是复制镜头前端微小的,非选择性的细节,而且不可以复印。


A选项:copy v. 复制;复印 (高中)
B选项:replace v. 取代;代替 (高中)
C选项:handle v. 解决;处理;(高中)deal with
D选项:clarify v. 澄清;阐明 (高中)clarify the situation

4. The phrase “its general effect” in the passage refers to


The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching and engraving. Its general effect was of edged and tonal.


in series 连续的;串联的
equivalent adj./n. 等价;相等 (CET4)
etching n. 蚀刻版画;蚀刻术;(托福)etch v.
engraving n. 雕刻,雕刻品 (托福)engrave v.
edged adj. 有刃的;有边的 (高中)edge n.
tonal adj. 色调的;音调的 (CET4)


The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching and engraving. Its general effect was of edged and tonal. “calotype”可以连续洗出多张照片,因此它就相当于蚀刻术和雕刻术。它整体的效果是边缘和色调。

正确选项:the calotype

5. The word “authenticity” in the passage is closest in meaning to


One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea of authenticity.


impress v. 给予某人深刻印象(高中)impressed/impressive adj.印象深刻的 impression n. 印象;效果
original adj. 原始的;最初的;独创的 (初中)
audience n. 观众 (观众)
authenticity n. 真实性;确实性 (托福)authentic adj.


One of the things [that most impressed the original audience for photography] was the idea of authenticity.摄影术给最初的观众留下的最深刻的印象之一就是真实性。


A选项:improvement n. 提高;改善
B选项:practicality n. 可行性;实用性
C选项:genuineness n. 真实性 (CET4)genuine
D选项:repetition n. 重复性;repeat v.

6. What point does the author make in paragraph 6?


Photograph also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.


democratic adj. 民主的 (CET4) democracy n.
portraiture n. 肖像画;肖像绘制 (托福)
luxury n./adj. 奢侈;奢华 (CET4)
privileged adj. 享有特权的 (CET4)privilege v./n.
within the reach of 在够到范围之内;力所能及


Photograph also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people. 摄影术让拍照和拥有自己的照片变得平民化。肖像这个一度只有少数贵族的奢侈品,突然就变成了很多人触手可及的事物。


Photography, unlike painting, was a type of portraiture that even ordinary people could afford(v. 付得起;承担). 不同于绘画,摄影术是一种普通人都能付得起的画像。


  • engravev. 雕刻
  • daguerreotypen. (早期)银板照相,银版照片 vt. 用银版法拍摄
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • duplicatedv. 复制,复写 adj. 复制出的;复写书的
  • luxuryn. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品
  • repetitionn. 重复,反复
  • reactionn. 反应,反作用力,化学反应
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的