托福口语TPO-20 听力部分(2)
日期:2016-07-15 10:21


Using the example given by the professor, explain how franchising works.
Now read a passage from a business textbook.
You have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a business management class.

OK, so we've been talking about starting a business.
Let's say I want to open up a pizza restaurant.
Well, I know how tough it is to make a new business succeed.
And I want a sure thing, so I contact the big company that owns a chain of pizza places.
Let's say it's called, "Pizza Town."
我们假设这家公司叫"Pizza Town"。
And I pay for the rights to call my restaurant Pizza Town and to sell Pizza Town's special, one of a kind, pizza.
我交钱就能获得给我的店取名叫"Pizza Town"和出售该公司特有披萨的权利。
Now, since everyone has heard of Pizza Town, it's really popular,
I don't have to worry about whether people would want to eat my pizza or not,
I already know this pizza will sell well because it's a known thing.
And that means that there's a better chance my business will succeed.
Now, in exchange for being able to call my restaurant Pizza Town,
为了能够给我的餐馆起名叫"Pizza Town",
I have to agree to run the business the Pizza Town way.
作为交换我必须同意按照Pizza Town的方式来运作。
And Pizza Town trains me to do this.
Pizza Town也会对我进行培训。
They show me how to do everything, how to make my pizzas taste like Pizza Town pizzas,
他们会向我展示应该怎么做每件事,应该怎么做披萨才能使它吃起来像Pizza Town的披萨,
how to advertise, even how to make my store look like a Pizza Town.
该怎么打广告,甚至连该怎么做才能使我的店看起来像Pizza Town的店,他们都会教我。
Now, this means that I don't have a lot of freedom or choice in the way I run my business.
But in a lot of ways, this is great for me.
After all, Pizza Town's way generally works. They sell a lot of pizza.
毕竟Pizza Town的经营方式一般都成功了,他们卖出了很多披萨。
