专八改错训练附讲解100篇:Passage 93
日期:2016-06-03 18:29



The most consistently identified teacher effectiveness variable is time on task that is, the more time that students spend on learning specific academic content, the better they will learn it distinction is made between allocated time on task (the time that teachers allocate to particular instructional activities) and engaged time on task (the time that students actually spend engaged in instruction). because no consistent relation has been seen between allocated time on task and academic achievement research has demonstrated that engaged time on task is positive related to academic achievement.(1)____(2)____strategies for maximizing engaged time on task have been identified and included effectively managing transitions, avoiding digression sand other irrelevant verbalizations, and manage classroom behavior.(3)____(4)____ sometimes, teachers can improve student-engaged time on task by examining the amount of allocated time for class and monitoring their own teacher behaviors more closely. for example, teachers may find that they start classes 6minutes late, end classes 6 minutes early, stop during the middle of class to search for relevant instructional materials and stop to manage appropriate classroom behaviors.(5)____ once such target areas are identified, teachers can design strategies to improve each area that will lead in increasing the amount of student-engaged time on task during classes.(6)____

effective teacher presentations have also been identified. teachers minimize achievement when their presentations contain elements as structure of lesson, clarity of teacher presentation, redundancy in emphasizing important concepts, and enthusiasm.(7)____(8)____ structure includes listing students' attention, providing a lesson overview that includes lesson objectives, providing outlines of the lesson and to indicating when transitional points occur, and summarizing and reviewing key points as the lesson proceeds.(9)____(10)____


2.positive→positively语法错误。此处positive是用来修饰related的,故应该要用副词形式positively。短语be related to表示“与……相关”。
3.included→include话法错误。此处考查时态的运用。根据上下文,这里include(包括)应该和have been identified(已经确定)作并列谓语。include的动作是一个可重复、一般性的动作,所以应该用一般现在时。其主语是strategies,所以要将其分词形式改为动词原形,作句子的谓语。
4.manage→managing词汇错误。作为策略所包括的内容,managing classroom behavior应该和前面的managing transitions, avoiding digressions... verbalizations构成并列结构的动名词短语,由and连接。所以此处要将manage改为managing。
5. appropriate→inappropriate语篇错误。该句正是作者在举例说明如何在课堂上提高学生的任务投入时间,所有的行为应该都是为了这个目的而服务的,如果在课堂上还要停下来去管理“不恰当的”课堂行为,则和这个目的背道而驰。所以,根据上下文语境,要改为inappropriate,使语义正确通顺。
6. lead→result或in→to词汇错误。此处考查的是短语搭配问题,该处需要一个表示“导致”含义的短语,根据所提供的词语,可以将lead改为result,或将in改为to,lead to和result in都可以表示“导致”。
10.to→to语法错误。此处介词短语indicating还是和前面的enlisting, providing(a lesson)以及providing (outlines)并列作句子谓语(structure)includes的宾语,由并列连词and连接。所以此处的indicating要和前面的形式保持一致,应删去多余的to。