专八改错训练附讲解100篇:Passage 92
日期:2016-06-02 17:35



Pub-talk, the most popular activity in all pubs, is a native dialect with its own distinctive grammar. there are very few restriction on what you can talk about in pubs: pub etiquette is concerned mainly about the form of your conversation, not the content.(1)____(2)____
When a regular enters into the pub, you will often hear a chorus of friendly greetings from the other regulars, the publican and bar staff.(3)____(4)____ the regular responds to each greeting, usually addressed the greeter by name or nickname.(5)____ no one is conscious of obeying a rule or following a formula, yet you will hear the same greeting ritual in every pub in the country.
The words may not even be particular polite: a regular may be greeted with "back again, joe?-haven't you got a home to go to?" or "ah, just in time to buy your round, joel ".(6)____ when you first enter a pub, don't just drink-start by saying "good evening" and "good morning", with a friendly nod and a smile, to the bar staff and the regulars at the bar counter.(7)____ for most natives, this will trigger an automatic, reflex greeting-response, if it is only a nod.(8)____ don't worry if the initial respond is somewhat reserved. (9)____ by greeting before ordering, you have communicated friendly intentions. although this does not make you an 'instant regular', it will be noticed, your subsequent attempts to initiate contact will be received more favorably.(10)____

2.about→with词汇错误。be concerned about意为“关心……,担忧……,挂念……”,而be concerned with意为“涉及,与……有关系(或有牵连)”。此处要表达的意思是“酒吧礼仪主要与交谈方式有关”,所以用with,而不用about。
3.into→into词汇错误。enter表示“进入(门,房间等)” 这一基本意思时用作及物动词。而enter into表示“卷入(活动,境况,事件),开始从事或者成为……的一部分(或因素)”。在这里只强调进入酒吧这个动作,故删掉into。
4.the (other)→the词汇错误。这里other regulars泛指在酒吧喝酒的酒吧常客,而不是特指所有在座的酒吧常客,所以去掉表示特指的定冠词the。
5.addressed→addressing语法错误。addressed在此处是动词的分词形式作状语,而address与其逻辑主语the regular是主动关系,所以应选用现在分词形式addressing,表示“称呼”。
7.and→or语篇错误。从逻辑意义上判断,此处应该是从good evening和good morning中选择其一,而不是两者兼而有之,所以要用表示选择关系的连词or。
8.∧if→even语篇错误。if单独使用表示“如果”,even if表示“即使”,此处要表达的意思是“即使仅仅是一个点头,也会引发(对方)自动的问候回应”,所以此处应补上even。
9.respond→response语法错误。这里应选用一个名词,与the initial搭配共同构成句子的主语,故用名词response替换动词respond。
10. ∧your→and语法错误。此处逗号前后是两个完整的句子,不能仅仅用逗号连接,应补上合适的连词。而前后两句之间是并列关系,所以补上连词and。
