专八改错训练附讲解100篇:Passage 87
日期:2016-05-26 17:01



The brains of children are affected by family violence in the same way as combat affects soldiers, according to a study, In both cases the brain becomes increasing wary of potential threats. (1)____ Children who suffer abuse or witness domestic violence are known to be at greater risk of anxiety and depression in late life.(2)____
Scientists carried out magnetic resonance imaging brain scans on 20 London children with an average age of 12 who have been exposed to documented violence at home.(3)____ All had referred tn local social services.(4)____ While in the scanner the children were hown pictures of male or female faces with sad, calm or angry expressions.(5)____ Their patterns of brain activity were compared with that of 23 matched children with no history of family violence. (6)____ The children exposed to violence responded in the distinct way to angry faces, the study found Their brains showed heightened activation in two regions associated with threat detection.(7)____
Previous research has shown a similar pattern in the brains of soldiers exposed to violence combat situations. The scans suggest both combat veteran soldiers and children who witness violence tuning their brains to be hyper-aware of environmental danger.(8)____
Lead author Dr Eamon McCrory, from UCL's Division of Psyehology and Language Sciences, said: "We are only now begining to understand how child abuse influences function of the brain's emotional systems.(9)____ This research isimportant because it provides with our first clues as to how regions in the child’s brain may adapt to early experiences of abuse in the home."(10)____


1.increasing→increasingly语法错误。此处修饰形容词wary,表示“ 对……越来越警惕”,应该用副词形式increasingly。
2. late→later词汇错误。late life意为“晚年生活”,而此处要表达的意思是“遭受过家庭虐待和目睹了家庭暴力的孩子在日后的生活中更有可能受到焦虑和抑郁的困扰”。later life表示“日后的生活,后来的生活”,故把late改为later。
3.have→had语法错误。主句的谓语动词carry out使用了过去时态,而从句的动作be exposed to显然是在主句动作之前发生的,所以从句的谓语动词应使用过去完成时态,故把have改为had。
4.∧referred→been话法错误。此句的意思为“所有这些孩子都求助过当地的社会福利组织”,此处refer的意思为“指点,使求助于”,当用作此意时,refer是及物动词,通常用在refer sb. to...结构中,此处为被动语态,故应加上been。
5.or (female)→and语篇错误。根据常理推断,在这次试验中,孩子们看到的照片既有男性的又有女性的,这样才能避免性别对实验结果的影响,所以此处应该用表示并列关系的连词and。
6.that→those语篇错误。此句中比较的对象是patterns of brain activity,是一个复数意义的词,所以后面的代词也应该使用表示复数意义的those。
8.tuning→tune语法错误。此句中suggest后接一个省略that的宾语从句,该从句的主语soldiers and children后又接了一个who引导的定语从句,此处tuning不是现在分词作伴随状语,而应该作宾语从句的谓语,表示“战争老兵和孩子们将他们的大脑适应于……。”故应改成tune。
10. with→with词汇错误。provide表示“提供”时,用作及物动词,其主要用法是provide sth./provide sb. with sth,故此处删掉介词 with。
