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轻柔:Peter Andre - All Cried Out
日期:2010-12-08 13:05



歌曲All Cried Out

艺人:Peter Andre


所属专辑:Unconditional Love Songs



相关介绍:曾经于90年代中后期在欧洲和亚洲红过一阵子的澳洲动感猛男歌手Peter Andre,想都想不到当大家都给他的名字贴上“过气”卷标的现在,居然又重新回到歌坛焦点位置,而且还以1996年的旧作Mysterious Girl一举登上英国单曲榜冠军王座!
要是乐坛有年度最佳咸鱼大翻身奖,今年的得奖人毫无疑问地就是以猛男形象出道多年的Peter Andre了。这位以流行舞曲起家的歌手在90年代末期已经渐渐消失在聚光灯下,过去六年来甚至没有唱片公司愿意签他,结果这位原本已经被贴上“过气”标签的歌手去年年底因为参加了一个英国的名人版生存游戏电视节目《I'm A Celebrity… Get me Out Of Here》,结果咸鱼大翻身,一瞬间又回到英国最受欢迎艺人之列,甚至一首八年前的老歌Mysterious Girl还因此回锅登上英国单曲榜的冠军,现在竟然还有唱片公司捧着天价签约金向这位来自澳洲的歌手奉上,Peter现在的地位真是不可同日而语。根据报导,East West唱片公司日前开出一百万英镑的高价签约金想要将Peter签为旗下歌手,而他已经灌录好的专辑《Insania》也很有可能会交由该唱片公司做全球性的发行。这下许多失业在家的过气艺人,可能都会挤着排队要上《I'm A Celebrity… Get me Out Of Here》吧。


Song:All Cried Out
Artist:Peter Andre

You said I give you so much love it lit the stars
Now I'm left wondering where they are
You said you'd never be the one
To give up on us
And You said you wouldn't be a part of me
Erasing all our history
Oh now where is the love
I never thought I'd get over you
But I'm stronger now
(Yes I am)
Can't you see I'm all cried out
Not a word left to say now
No turning back
Can't you see I'm all cried out
I stand alone
No there's no doubt
I'm all cried out
You Said your world would only be complete
By loving every part of me
So I wonder why
Watching the stranger unfold some how
And so all that's grown
Is left unkown
You know that I
I wanna know
Where and how and why
All the answers left unsaid
Guess its over now
There no looking back (No)
I can't know
Cuz it always seems to come back to goodbye
If only you could turn (all)
Your love around
I'd give it all my very all
No I'd never let you go
(Cuz I stand alone)
All Cried Out, All Cried Out, All Cried Out


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  • chorusn. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱
  • unfoldv. 展开,开放,显露
  • mysteriousadj. 神秘的,不可思议的
  • celebrityn. 名人,名誉,社会名流