日期:2010-04-22 14:05



在Apple IPOD Nano最新的广告中,一个略带沙哑的女声唱着“one two three four....”,这首歌的名字就叫做《1234》,演唱者的是来自加拿大的创作型女歌手Feist,《1 2 3 4》这首歌起初并未受到什么关注,推出一段时间也没打进什么榜单;最近却因为iPod nano 的广告一下子进入了人们的视线。这首歌清新的曲调以及色彩鲜艳的mv与最新款的iPod nano很合拍。iPod的广告常常具有这样的魅力,找出一首可以衬出其产品气质的歌曲,作为回报,这首歌曲也能随之大红大紫。今天,我们就来学习这首“One Two Three Four”。


[00:08.91]Apple IPOD Nano
[00:13.46]one two three four....
[00:22.30]《1 2 3 4》
[00:29.12]iPod nano
[00:49.48]One Two Three Four
[01:00.17]One Two Three Four
[01:01.95]Tell me that you love me more
[01:04.14]Sleepless long nights
[01:06.42]That is what my youth was for
[01:08.45]Old teenage hopes are alive at your door
[01:12.71]Left you with nothing but they want some more
[01:17.19]Oh, you're changing your heart
[01:21.44]Oh, You know who you are
[01:25.81]Sweetheart bitterheart now I can tell you apart
[01:30.15]Cosy and cold, put the horse before the cart
[01:34.48]Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes
[01:38.86]Too scared to own up to one little lie
[01:43.25]Oh, you're changing your heart
[01:47.56]Oh, you know who you are
[01:52.02]One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
[01:56.35]Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
[02:09.23]One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
[02:13.63]Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
[02:27.01]Oh, you're changing your heart
[02:31.08]Oh, you know who you are
[02:35.31]Oh, you're changing your heart
[02:39.74]Oh, you know who you are
[02:50.08]Oh, who you are
[03:24.33]For the teenage boys
[03:29.91]They're breaking your heart
[03:33.95]For the teenage boys
[03:38.71]They're breaking your heart
[04:06.62]One Two Three Four
[04:10.63]Tell me that you love me more
[04:13.62]Sleepless long nights
[04:15.47]That is what my youth was for
[04:18.21]Old teenage hopes are alive at your door
[04:22.55]Left you with nothing but they want some more
[04:42.68]teenage 青少年的
[04:46.27]Computer games sell well to the teenage market.
[04:54.86]teenage 年轻时的,年少时的
[05:13.14]Oh, you're changing your heart
[05:15.35]Oh, You know who you are
[05:23.00]change one's heart
[05:25.38]change one's mind
[05:43.03]Sweetheart bitterheart now I can tell you apart
[05:47.77]Cosy and cold, put the horse before the cart
[06:01.06]tell 区分,分辨
[06:04.25]tell apart 分辨出、辨认出…的差异
[06:10.36]To tell the two handkerchiefs apart,
[06:13.67]she made a mark in her own handkerchief.
[06:23.61]cosy 温暖惬意而舒适的
[06:27.56]The room has a nice cosy feel.
[06:34.33]cosy 亲密友好的
[06:37.73]put the horse before the cart
[06:40.80]put the cart before the horse
[06:53.59]She put the cart before the horse when she bought furniture
[06:58.72]before she had a house to put it in.
[07:23.88]Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes
[07:27.91]Too scared to own up to one little lie
[07:38.56]own up to something 坦白,爽快地承认某事
[07:44.48]Did he own up to the theft?
[08:02.74]Oh, you're changing your heart
[08:05.03]Oh, you know who you are
[08:24.93]One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten
[08:31.58]Money can't buy you back the love that you had then
[08:56.43]For the teenage boys
[08:58.27]They're breaking your heart



Feist本名Leslie Feist,她于1976年出生在加拿大的一个宁静小城卡尔加利,自幼喜欢音乐,后来她便用自己的姓氏Feist给自己取了这样一个艺名。起初先是在高中,她和几个同样喜欢摇滚乐的朋友组建了一支朋克乐队 - Placebo,有意思的是这和现在英国十分走红的那支朋克乐队有着相同的名字。后来Feist率领她的乐队在当地一系列的摇滚比赛中取得了优胜,小有名气的他们后来成为了The Ramones在加拿大演出的开场乐队。也就是在这个时候,Feist选择了音乐作为毕生的事业,她开始艰苦而毫无希望可言的生活,在之后的五年中,Feist开始在加拿大的各个地方演出,也正是这个时候,她结交了很多着名的音乐人士。可是正当Feist准备有更进一步的发展之时,她的嗓子却音乐莫名的疾病不能发声了,面对这个打击Feist几乎放弃了她的音乐人生涯。后来她四处寻医,终于在多伦多找到了一位医生并治好了她的病,于是她决定离开家乡卡尔加利并搬来多伦多开始全新的生活。在多伦多Feist租来的小小的寝室中,她开始利用一台破旧的四轨机为自己录音,而此时她所演绎的音乐已经有了很多的改变。一把吉他,还有简单的歌声,这就是来自Feist的新尝试,做一个民谣歌手。
  后来Feist加入了当地的By Divine Right乐队并且开始逐渐被更多的人知道,她和乐队为加拿大老牌摇滚乐队The Tragically Hip做北美巡演嘉宾。在1999年她录制了第一张属于自己的专辑——《Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head)》,清新的民谣歌曲,仿佛重获新生。2000年,她帮助Peaches制作了专辑《Teaches of Peaches》;两年之后她又加入了By Divine Right的后身乐团——后摇滚风格的Broken Social Scene,并且凭借专辑《You Forgot It in People》一鸣惊人。2004年的《Let It Die》是Feist精心打造的一张清新民谣风格的专辑,其中包括了她翻唱本国民谣歌手Sexsmith以及Bee Gees的歌曲。
  Leslie Feist首张主流专辑【Let It Die】就破天荒让Dior与Lacoste分别指定作最新一季的形象广告曲:“Mushaboom”的甜美活泼搭配年轻化的休闲老牌Lacoste,时装品牌Dior则选用“Gatekeeper”配合成熟风情的莎朗史东作最新广告代言:Feist的音乐版图即从时尚lounge圈渐渐向外拓展。
  这位出生加拿大的才女,最初藉由挪威清新民谣组Kings Of Covenience/好自在乐团的封面入镜及客席演唱与乐迷见面。殊不知高中时期的Feist,组的可是庞克乐团Placebo(不是那组被称为“奇异妖艳Nirvana”的英伦摇滚团),因为参加比赛获胜,而获他们的偶像庞克摇滚大团The Ramones邀约,成为加拿大巡演之暖场团!正当她的音乐之途即将开展,她的嗓子却因使用过度无法再演唱;历经6个月的治疗休养,Feist一个人在地下室用一把吉他代替她的歌声,渐渐摸索出个人风格十足却简约清新的民谣流行乐。’99年推出独立制作的首张专辑‘Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head)’,但直到她加入独立乐界近年好评不断的Broken Social Scence担任vocal并随之获得该年朱诺奖肯定后,才真正打开知名度。

  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • placebon. 安慰剂,安慰话
  • divineadj. 神的,神圣的 vt. 推断 vi. 预言,理解
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • vocaladj. 声音的,口述的,歌唱的 n. 元音,声乐作品
  • monarchn. 帝王,统治者,元首/nn. 君王斑点蝶
  • cartn. 手推车,(二轮)载货车 v. (用手推车)运送,(