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轻柔:Lene Marlin - Have I Ever Told You
日期:2010-04-18 11:17



歌曲Have I Ever Told You

艺人:Lene Marlin


所属专辑:Twist The Truth


风格:Pop / Folk

相关介绍:Lene Marlin并不是只有甜美的外表,她的专业演唱技巧、超高水准的词曲创作以及宛如天籁的优美音质在在表现出独树一格且与众不同的特质。Lene Marlin用一把空心吉他与她优美的声音,传达了独有的音乐觉醒意识,这种自我的意识,有时甚至在成熟的歌者身上都还无法找到。
  Lene Marlin的歌曲在许多的部分都反映出她的周遭环境,例如将欢乐不断的北国夏日夜晚,用自然且立即具像的方式描绘出来,让听者无法不动容。她也用更深层、更神秘的方式,来反映出冬天的漫长与忧伤。


Song:Have I Ever Told You
Artist:Lene Marlin

sometimes i cann't take my eyes of you
afraid that if i will go away you go
i don't know what i will do then , don' t wanna let you go
it took some time but now i know
have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it's time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay
i 'm ready to move on
see right through me every turn
that's why i just give up the end
can not tell how good it feels
it's all because of you
did not seen it fell now i do
have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it's time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay
i 'm ready to move on
have i ever told you that you save me
like for all the good things that you gave me
now it's time i understand
go ahead, plz check my hair
it never fell this right they stay
i 'm ready to move on


  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧