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MV欣赏:迪士尼少女偶像Demi Lovato新单MV( Me,Myself...)
日期:2010-04-13 09:56



Demi Lovato - Me, Myself & Time - Music Video(Sonny with a chance)



I can make the rain stop if I wanna,
Just like my attitude
I can take my laptop record a snapshot
And change your point of view

I just enetered this brand new world
And I'm so open hearted
I know I've got a long way to go but I
I'm just getting started

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be,I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

I go where life takes me, but somedays it makes me want to change my direction
Sometimes it gets lonley, but i know that its only a matter of my perception
I just enetered this brand new world
And I'm so open hearted
I know I've got a long way to go but I
I'm just getting started

I'm over my head, and I know it, i know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be,I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

And baby there is nothing like this moment
To just be real and let the truth be spoken
Whatevers broke I can make it unbroken
Turn the lead in my hand and the stars stand golden
Just try more love, if I try more love then I'll find
Myself and time.

I'm over my head, and I know it, I know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be,I'm going to try

I'm over my head, and I know it, i know it
I'm doing my best not to show it, to show it
Whatever it takes to be what I was ment to be,I'm going to try
Cause I'm living the dream and I know it, I know it
I'm trying my best not to blow it, to blow it
And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself and time.

I'll find myself in time,
I know I'll find myself in time



黛米·洛瓦托在年仅6岁时就开始了她的演员生涯,她最先饰演的是儿童电视剧集[BARNEY&FRIENDS]中的ANGELA一角,并且在那里认识她最好的朋友Selena Gomez;在黛米开始她的歌唱和演奏事业时,她也曾客串多部电视剧,如Split Ends和Just Jordan,随后她又在热播美剧越狱[PRISON BREAK]第二季中反串了DANIELLE CURTIN的角色。然而这些演出经历并没能让DEMI LOVATO声名鹊起,14岁的她依旧是个在演艺圈摸爬滚打的小角色,喜爱音乐的她也并没有因为自己的原创作品而获得过多关注。
  2007年时LOVATO终于获得了在迪斯尼短片剧集[AS THE BELL RINGS]中饰演主要角色CHARLOTTE ADAMS的机会,她自然不肯放过这次良机,良好的表演为她赢得较好的口碑,同时她的几首原创歌曲还出现在了这次表演中。这次的经历带给了LOVATO不一样的影响力,使得他逐渐开始得到更多机会。黛米作为乔纳森兄弟在2008年举行的Burning U演唱会里担任开场嘉宾。她也在2008年春天出席了Disney Channel Games 2008。
  一年之后LOVATO与JONAS BROTHERS一起出演迪斯尼影片《摇滚夏令营》[CAMP ROCK]LOVATO在其中饰演一个梦想成为歌手的14岁女孩MITCHIE TORRES。或许是因为与自己的经历有几分相似,LOVATO的出色表演最终征服了观众。电影的原声还收录了LOVATO的三首原创歌曲,这使得她引起了唱片公司的关注,不久之后LOVATO便与HOLLYWOOD RECORDS签下一纸唱片合同。同年9月LOVATO的首张个人专辑《DON'T FORGET》发行,一举夺得了BILLBOARD榜单的第二名,JONAS BORTHERS还在其中为她写了几首歌。她还在迪士尼频道电影《公主保护计划》Princess ProtectionProgram表演(首映在美国时间周五6月26, 2009),这部影片有八百五十万观众观看,收视第3 (前两个是 Camp Rock 和 High School Musical 2)。除了表演,她发了两张专辑 Don't Forget (9,23,2008),这张专辑第一周销量就超过89,000 张(Billboard 200第二)。第二张 Here We Go Again(7月21, 2009)第一周销量超过108,000 张(Billboard 200第一)。 2009年赢得Popstar! Magazine的"All-Time Idol" 奖项。
  现在,Demi Lovato一是美国家喻户晓的通行级艺人。
  根据USA Today报道,黛米的好友——乔纳斯兄弟为她个人首张专辑Don't Forget写了几首歌 黛米在DisneyMania 6里重新演绎了魔法奇缘里获得奥斯卡金像奖提名的歌曲(That's How You Know)。在2008年9月,她在BOP Magazine里热门名星投票中获得第二名。
  黛米和同样演出Barney and Friends的女星赛琳娜·戈梅滋是好友。当被问及黛米和赛琳娜何时成为朋友时,黛米描述,当黛米让赛琳娜坐在黛咪的夹克上用黛米的蜡笔画画时(Barney and Friends试镜)。黛米与赛琳娜和乔纳斯兄弟一样,左手无名指佩带贞洁戒(刻有True Love Waits);但她只作为项链之用。
  黛米喜欢弹吉他和钢琴,以及写歌。在黛米所饰演的剧集As The Bell Rings里,曾播过三首由她自己写的歌("Stronger"、"Open"和 "Shadow")。
