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民谣:Maria Taylor - LadyLuck
日期:2010-03-20 08:16




艺人:Maria Taylor





相关介绍:Maria Taylor 1976年出生于伯明翰,这个具有灵妙嗓音的女歌手在15岁时就已经有了第一批歌迷,那时她是伯明翰乐队Little Red Rocket的一员,这支流行/摇滚乐队常被人拿来和当时的Belly乐队作比较,Little Red Rocket发行过两张专辑,1997年的《Who Did You Pay》和 2000年的《It's in the Sound》,乐队在Geffen唱片被Universal Music Group吞并后解散了,Taylor和音乐伙伴Orenda Fink重组了一支乐队,也就是在独立乐界有点知名度的Azure Ray。在Conor Oberst游说下,Taylor连同Orenda Fink加盟了才成立的Saddle Creek厂牌,加入了Now It's Overhead这支乐队,同时Azure Ray的音乐事业依然平稳发展着。


Artist:Maria Taylor

We were the words that washed from the sand,
I still prayed we wouldn't give it up
We were the wings of a hummingbird,
but i grew tired as i would wait for lady luck

We were the blue in the newborn's eye,
I still prayed we could keep it up
We were the view from my childhood room,
but i grew wise as i would look for lady luck

And follow yourself
And hope that you know where your going
And don't question your steps
That lead you into the morning
And you'll bring a friend along the way
Your new life it's starts today
It doesn't always worked the way you planned it, ok

We were the wear in my favorite shirt,
I still prayed we could make it work
We were the lair for the baby cubs,
but i grew strong as i prepared for lady luck

And follow yourself
And hope that you know where your going
And don't question your steps
That lead you into the morning
And you'll meet a friend along the way
You can't wait for each new day
It doesn't always work the way you planned it

I like it better this way
It's lady luck
It's lady luck


  • creekn. 小湾,小溪 Creek n. 克里克族,克里克人,
  • saddlen. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具 vt. 装以马鞍,使负担 v
  • lairn. 野兽的巢穴,躲藏处
  • universaladj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的 n.