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民谣:Maria Taylor - Broad Daylight
日期:2010-03-02 09:08



歌曲Broad Daylight

艺人:Maria Taylor





相关介绍:Maria Taylor 1976年出生于伯明翰,这个具有灵妙嗓音的女歌手在15岁时就已经有了第一批歌迷,那时她是伯明翰乐队Little Red Rocket的一员,这支流行/摇滚乐队常被人拿来和当时的Belly乐队作比较,Little Red Rocket发行过两张专辑,1997年的《Who Did You Pay》和 2000年的《It's in the Sound》,乐队在Geffen唱片被Universal Music Group吞并后解散了,Taylor和音乐伙伴Orenda Fink重组了一支乐队,也就是在独立乐界有点知名度的Azure Ray。在Conor Oberst游说下,Taylor连同Orenda Fink加盟了才成立的Saddle Creek厂牌,加入了Now It's Overhead这支乐队,同时Azure Ray的音乐事业依然平稳发展着。


Song:Broad Daylight
Artist:Maria Taylor

Past country lines and interstate signs
We were here to sing, to shadow an endless dream
Left the family, backstage we met
You were writing your set
We talked till the owner swept
Outside the big great door

But don't look at me this way
In the broad light of day
You're not safe from the veil
Of the night; and it must be displaced
That look upon your face
I never thought I'd find...

We cross tangled vines
And you whisper signs
We could hear you see
A yellow rose of spring
Your face left a perfect ring

Is it morning or night
The missed call, the missed flight
Cab is waiting; remeber the song that played
"You're somebody's baby."

So I can't look at you this way
In the broad light of day
You're not safe from the veil
Of the night; and it must be displaced
That look upon my face
I never thought I'd find...

So don't look at me this way
In the broad light of day
You're not safe from the veil
Of the night; and it must be displaced
That look upon your face
I never thought I'd find...


  • creekn. 小湾,小溪 Creek n. 克里克族,克里克人,
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪
  • whispern. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音 vi. 低声说,窃窃私
  • universaladj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的 n.
  • tangledadj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的
  • saddlen. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具 vt. 装以马鞍,使负担 v