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民谣:Andy Burrows - The Colour Of My Dreams
日期:2009-07-12 11:08



歌曲The Colour Of My Dreams

艺人:Andy Burrows


所属专辑:The Colour Of My Dreams


风格:Indie Folk

相关介绍:Andy不仅仅是一个在舞台上挥汗如雨、才华横溢的鼓手,还是一个斯文浪漫的民谣音乐人.[The Colour Of My Dreams]是Andy在2008年发行的原声态专辑,同时也是他的首张个人专辑,这张专辑的歌曲充满了天真与可爱,虽是Andy在家用家用电脑录制完成的,但丝毫不影响曲目的可听性,整张专辑短小精悍,11首歌13分钟,说实话,我觉得没有一首不好听的,连<轻音乐>的编辑啥啥啥也对这张专辑大加赞叹.



Song:The Colour Of My Dreams
Artist:Andy Burrows

I'm a really rotten reader, the worst in all the class,
The sort of rotten reader, that makes you want to laugh,
I'm last in all the reading tests, my scores not on the page,
When I read to teacher, she gets in such a rage.

She says I cannot form my words
She says I can't build up
And that I don't know phonics
And don't know "cat" from "cut"

They say than I'm dyslexic
That's a word they just found out
But when I get some plastacine
I know what that's about

I make these scary monsters
I draw these secret lands
I get my hair all sticky
And paint all on my hands

I make these super models
I build these smashing towers
They reach up to the ceiling
And take me hours and hours

She says I cannot form my words
She says I can't build up
And that I don't know phonics
And don't know "cat" from "cut"

They say than I'm dyslexic
That's a word they just found out
But when I get some plastacine
I know what that's about

I paint these lovely pictures
In thick green drippy paint
It gets on all the carpert
And makes the cleaners faint

I build great magic forests
Wee bushed out of string
And paint pink pandarellos
And birds thay really sing

She says I cannot form my words
She says I can't build up
And that I don't know phonics
And don't know "cat" from "cut"

They say than I'm dyslexic
That's a word they just found out
But when I get some plastacine
I know what that's about

I play my world of real believe
I play it every day
People stand and watch me
But don't know what to say

They give me diagnostic tests
And try out reading schemes
But none of them will ever know
The colour of my dreams


  • faintn. 昏厥,昏倒 adj. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的 v.
  • rottenadj. 腐烂的,腐朽的
  • ragen. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行 v. 大怒,怒斥,激