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民谣:Bebo Norman - A Million Raindrops
日期:2009-06-21 09:35



歌曲 A Million Raindrops

艺人: Bebo Norman

音乐星级 ★★★★

所属专辑: Bebo Norman

发行年代: 2008

风格: Pop Folk

IPB Image

相关介绍: 美国福音歌手Bebo Norman善於创作及弹奏结他,其音乐风格以Pop Folk 为主。他抒情的曲风以及柔和的声音给我们带来极大的享受。乐评家说他砂纸般的歌声非常酷音乐非常年轻活力,感人肺腑,柔情似水,同时征服广大乐迷与乐评家。 近日Bebo在Myspace上发表了一首歌叫Britney,上面写到:“我很高兴我的同名专辑 《Bebo Norman》 即将在9月16日正式发行,首波主打《Britney》已经在iTunes有试听下载,而我也即将在进年秋天进行巡回宣传。” 相信很多人都对Britney沉沦后的堕落感到失望,也对被狗仔队困扰的昔日天后感到同情。Britney借Gimme More大碟成功回归,生活也一步步走向正轨,很多艺人都表达了对他的支持。



Song:A Million Raindrops
Artist:Bebo Norman

Can I feel the sun
Breaking through the gray I'm lost within
Can I hear the wind
Like a secret telling me I'll live again
I need you

All your thoughts let them fall
Like a million raindrops
On this desolate ground I'm standing on
Every word from your lips
Like a Father's kiss
That all my life I've waited on

Can I walk the line
Tell me will you be my safety net
Can you save my life
Tangled up in weakness and regret
I know you can

All your thoughts let them fall
Like a million raindrops
On this desolate ground I'm standing on
Every word from your lips
Like a Father's kiss
That all my life I've waited on
That all my life I've waited on

I'm crying out to you, I'm crying out to you
There's nothing left to lose, there's nothing left to prove
I'm crying out to you, I'm crying out to you

All your thoughts let them fall
Like a million raindrops
On this desolate ground I'm standing on
Every word from your lips
Like a Father's kiss
That all my life I've waited on
All your thoughts let them fall
Like a million raindrops
On this desolate ground I'm standing on
Every word from your lips
Like a Father's kiss
That all my life I've waited on
That all my life I've waited on

